
2023-09-11 07:44:51 作者:半个西瓜半个夏/* /*


    <StackPanel DockPanel.Dock="Top" Orientation="Horizontal">
        <RadioButton Content="_Programs" 
                    IsChecked="{Binding Path=ProgramBanksSelected}" IsEnabled="{Binding Path=ProgramsEnabled}" Margin="8" />
            <Label Content="Master" Height="28" Name="MasterFileStatus" VerticalContentAlignment="Center"/>


The radio button should be placed on the left side in the stack panel (I removed some buttons for not cluttering the example) and the label (which I put temporarily in a nested StackPanel) should be on the right side.

我已经试过很多路线的组合,但我不能在标签右侧。 我应该补充做到这一点?

I tried already lots of combinations of alignments but I cannot get the label on the right side. What should I add to accomplish this?


只要不使用的StackPanel StackPanels 堆栈的。它们,出于明显的原因,而不是允许对准在它们堆叠的方向。使用Grid,与列定义如下所示:

Just do not use a StackPanel, StackPanels stack. They do, for obvious reasons, not allow alignment in the direction in which they stack. Use a Grid, with column definitions like so:

    <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />