
2023-09-11 07:34:31 作者:硬妹女王心

追加 DIV s到一个 DIV 以固定高度的时候,孩子的div就会出现从上到下,粘在顶部边框。

when appending divs to a div with a fixed height, the child divs will appear from top to bottom, sticking at the top border.

│ Child Div 1             │
│ Child Div 2             │
│                         │
│                         │
│                         │


I'm now trying to display them from bottom to top like this (sticking to the bottom border):

│                         │
│                         │
│                         │
│ Child Div 1             │
│ Child Div 2             │
│                         │
│                         │
│ Child Div 1             │
│ Child Div 2             │
│ Child Div 3             │
│ Child Div 2           │▲│
│ Child Div 3           │ │
│ Child Div 4           │ │
│ Child Div 5           │█│
│ Child Div 6           │▼│


And so on... I hope you get what I mean.


Is this simply doable with css (something like vertical-align: bottom?) or do I have to hack something together with javascript?

非常感谢你的帮助。 :)

Thank you very much for your help. :)


所有的答案错过滚动条点你的问题。这是一个艰难的一个。如果你只需要这个工作,为现代浏览器和IE 8 +,你可以使用表定位,垂直对齐:底部最大高度。请参见 MDN 以特定的浏览器兼容。

All the answers miss the scrollbar point of your question. And it's a tough one. If you only need this to work for modern browsers and IE 8+ you can use table positioning, vertical-align:bottom and max-height. See MDN for specific browser compatibility.


.wrapper { display:table-cell; vertical-align:bottom; height:200px;  }
.content { max-height:200px; overflow:auto;  }



<div class="wrapper">
  <div class="content">
     <div>row 1</div>
     <div>row 2</div>
     <div>row 3</div>  


Other than that, I think it's not possible with CSS only. You can make elements stick to the bottom of their container with position:absolute, but it'll take them out of the flow. As a result they won't stretch and make the container to be scrollable.


.wrapper { position:relative; height:200px; }
.content { position:absolute; bottom:0; width:100%; }