
2023-09-11 07:20:12 作者:花落、相思起

两个整数的 N 和 K ,无论是在范围内的 100000 给出。

Two integers n and k, both ranging in 100000 is given.

我们如何计算LCM对于 N * N-1 C 0 (N的乘法和(N-1选0) ), N * N-1 C 1 (N的乘法和(N-1选1)), N * < SUP> N-1 C 2 (N的乘法和(N-1选2)),.......... N * N-1 C K (N的乘法和(N-1选择K))的模 1000000007 。

How do we calculate the LCM for n*n-1C0(multiplication of n and (n-1 choose 0)), n*n-1C1(multiplication of n and (n-1 choose 1)), n*n-1C2(multiplication of n and (n-1 choose 2)), .........., n*n-1Ck(multiplication of n and (n-1 choose k)) in modulo 1000000007.


I am simply finding all values and then calculating the modulo which have lot of problems when the numbers grows up.




可以很容易地看到,LCM(NX,NY)= N * LCM(X,Y) 因此,实际上这个问题降低到计算LCM对C系数。

It's easy to see that lcm(nx, ny) = n*lcm(x, y) So actually the problem reduced to calculating lcm for C coefficients.

还有一点很容易看出,LCM(X / A,X / B)= X / GCD(A,B),其中,GCD是一个最大公约数。

Also it is easy to see that lcm(x/a, x/b) = x/gcd(a, b), where gcd is a greatest common divisor.

如果你还记得是n选择k = N!/ K!(N-K)!这两个步骤减少了问题的计算

If you remember that n choose k = n!/k!(n-k)! these two steps reduces the problem to calculation of

最大公约数(0 N!!,1!第(n-1)!2!(N-2)!,...,K!(NK)!)

gcd(0!n!, 1!(n-1)!, 2!(n-2)!, ..., k!(n-k)!)

和然后除以N * N!由该值

and then dividing n*n! by this value.


gcd can be easily computed by Euclidean algorithm. There's actually even easier approach:

GCD(我!(NI)!(我+ 1)!(NI-1)!)= I!(NI-1)!GCD(NI,I + 1)

gcd(i!(n-i)!, (i+1)!(n-i-1)!) = i!(n-i-1)!gcd(n-i, i+1)


(for the last gcd you still have to use Euclidean algorithm. but now it is easier).


You can actually do all of the computations in a ring modulo 1000000007. It means that you can take a remainder of 1000000007 after each multiplication/addition, it wouldn't affect the answer.


X = N * N! MOD 1000000007

x = n*n! mod 1000000007

Y =最大公约数(0 N!!,1!第(n-1)!2!(N-2)!,...,K!(NK)!)模1000000007

y = gcd(0!n!, 1!(n-1)!, 2!(n-2)!, ..., k!(n-k)!) mod 1000000007


Instead of dividing these numbers, you can multiply x by z, such that

Z * Y = 1模1000000007

z*y = 1 modulo 1000000007

您可以阅读更多关于为什么这个作品在这篇文章,以及如何找到这样ž< A HREF =htt​​ps://相对=nofollow>这里。

You can read more about why this works in this article and how to find such z here.
