
2023-09-11 07:18:33 作者:得不到的东西永远最好


I'm trying to do this contest exercise about graphs:


XPTO is an intrepid adventurer (a little too temerarious for his own good) who boasts about exploring every corner of the universe, no matter how inhospitable. In fact, he doesn't visit the planets where people can easily live in, he prefers those where only a madman would go with a very good reason (several millions of credits for instance). His latest exploit is trying to survive in Proxima III. The problem is that Proxima III suffers from storms of highly corrosive acids that destroy everything, including spacesuits that were especially designed to withstand corrosion.

我们的勇敢的探险家陷入了一个矩形区域,在这些风暴之一的中间。幸运的是,他有一个仪器能测量每个部门和造成多大的损害它自己的宇航服酸的准确浓度。现在,他只需要看看他能逃过难关。 问题

Our intrepid explorer was caught in a rectangular area in the middle of one of these storms. Fortunately, he has an instrument that is capable of measuring the exact concentration of acid on each sector and how much damage it does to his spacesuit. Now, he only needs to find out if he can escape the storm. Problem


The problem consists of finding an escape route that will allow XPTO to escape the noxious storm. You are given the initial energy of the spacesuit, the size of the rectangular area and the damage that the spacesuit will suffer while standing in each sector.


Your task is to find the exit sector, the number of steps necessary to reach it and the amount of energy his suit will have when he leaves the rectangular area. The escape route chosen should be the safest one (i.e., the one where his spacesuit will be the least damaged). Notice that XPTO will perish if the energy of his suit reaches zero.

在情况下,有一个以上的可能的解决方案中,选择,使用最少数量的步骤之一。如果有至少两个扇区与相同的步骤编号(X1,Y1)和(X2,Y2),则选择第一个,如果X1&其中; X2或如果X1 = X2和Y1,其中; Y2。

In case there are more than one possible solutions, choose the one that uses the least number of steps. If there are at least two sectors with the same number of steps (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2) then choose the first if X1 < X2 or if X1 = X2 and Y1 < Y2.

约束 0℃下Ë≤30000西服的起始能量 0≤W¯¯≤500矩形的宽度 0≤^ h≤500矩形的高度 0℃下X - LT; W上的起始X位置 0℃下Y'LT;小时起始Y位置 0≤ð≤10000维持在每个扇区的损坏

Constraints 0 < E ≤ 30000 the suit's starting energy 0 ≤ W ≤ 500 the rectangle's width 0 ≤ H ≤ 500 rectangle's height 0 < X < W the starting X position 0 < Y < H the starting Y position 0 ≤ D ≤ 10000 the damage sustained in each sector



The first number given is the number of test cases. Each case will consist of a line with the integers E, X and Y. The following line will have the integers W and H. The following lines will hold the matrix containing the damage D the spacesuit will suffer whilst in the corresponding sector. Notice that, as is often the case for computer geeks, (1,1) corresponds to the upper left corner.



If there is a solution, the output will be the remaining energy, the exit sector's X and Y coordinates and the number of steps of the route that will lead Rodericus to safety. In case there is no solution, the phrase Goodbye cruel world! will be written.


40 3 3  
7 8  
12 11 12 11  3 12 12  
12 11 11 12  2  1 13  
11 11 12  2 13  2 14  
10 11 13  3  2  1 12 
10 11 13 13 11 12 13 
12 12 11 13 11 13 12  
13 12 12 11 11 11 11  
13 13 10 10 13 11 12  
8 3 4  
7 6 
4  3  3  2  2  3  2  
2  5  2  2  2  3  3  
2  1  2  2  3  2  2  
4  3  3  2  2  4  1  
3  1  4  3  2  3  1  
2  2  3  3  0  3  4  
10 3 4  
7 6  
3  3  1  2  2  1  0 
2  2  2  4  2  2  5  
2  2  1  3  0  2  2  
2  2  1  3  3  4  2  
3  4  4  3  1  1  3  
1  2  2  4  2  2  1 


12 5 1 8  
Goodbye cruel world!  
5 1 4 2

基本上,我认为我们必须做一个改进Dijkstra,其中节点之间的距离是西服的能量(我们必须减去舒米恩像正常使用距离它代替)和步骤是... .steps沿路径进行。与贝斯特二项式的POS(能源,num_Steps)是我们的出路。

Basically, I think we have to do a modified Dijkstra, in which the distance between nodes is the suit's energy (and we have to subtract it instead of suming up like is normal with distances) and the steps are the ....steps made along the path. The pos with the bester binomial (Energy,num_Steps) is our "way out".


Important : XPTO obviously can't move in diagonals, so we have to cut out this cases.


I have many ideas, but I have such a problem implementing them...


Could someone please help me thinking about this with some code or, at least, ideas?




You don't have to treat this with any unconventional conversions like you said (subtracting instead of adding, etc).


The shortest path from one node to another is one that minimizes the total damage to the suit along the way, regardless of whether or not this journey will kill you.


Just find the shortest path from START to EXIT, summing up edge weights as is usual Dijkstra approach, and then consider if this shortest path is feasible for the given suit power. If it isn't, then Goodbye cruel world!.


If you insist on pruning the search once you know that you can definitely not reach the EXIT, then adding it after the above implementation is trivial: as you're expanding your search horizon in your Dijkstra search, if even going to the next closest node to expand from kills you, then the rest of search space also will, so you can just abort and Goodbye cruel world!.


As for the graph itself, conceptually this is what you want. The vertices of the directed graph consists of all nodes in the grid, plus an artificial EXIT node.

在所有边缘节点有向边表示退出;这些边缘的权重为0 所有邻国(非对角线)节点已经指示他们之间的边缘 从节点 N1 N2 ,边的权重(从 N1 到 N2 )是招致住在节点损坏 N2 (我们称之为 damageAt [N2] ,你从 D获得矩阵输入)。 All edge nodes have a directed edge to EXIT; the weight of these edges is 0 All neighboring (non-diagonal) node have directed edges between them From node n1 to n2, the weight of the edge (i.e. the cost damage of travelling from n1 to n2) is the damage incurred by staying at node n2 (let's call this damageAt[n2], which you get from D matrix in input).

伤害,人们必须保持去从开始到退出以最小的总金额 damageAt [开始] + costOf(shortestPathBetween(START,EXIT))

So minimum total amount of damage that one must sustain to go from START to EXIT is damageAt[START] + costOf(shortestPathBetween(START, EXIT)).


只需要标准的Dijkstra实施 仅需要很小的修改,以增加修剪 仅需要从电网输入非常简单的改造,有向图