
2023-09-11 07:17:34 作者:微信扫描或直接搜索关注“腾牛个性网”微信公众号,方便随时查看

由于长期/纬度坐标的数据库重新presenting目标和一系列纬度/经度重新$ P $的psenting多边形的边界坐标重新presenting区。使用一个简单的光线投射算法是安全的治疗纬度/只要直角坐标确定的目标是在禁区内?

Given a database of long/lat coordinates representing targets and a series of lat/long representing the bounding coordinates of polygons representing "zones". Using a simple ray casting algorithm is it safe to treat the lat/long as cartesian coordinates for determining if the target is within the zone?



Provided the edges are short, it should work well enough. It won't be "correct" though.


Imagine a triangle with two points a and b on the equator and one just short of the north pole. Evidently, (almost) all points with a longitude between a and b above the equator are in the triangle. But if we try treating the lats/longs as cartesian coordinates, we get something quite different...


You'll need to be careful with zones which cross longitude = max/min, and even more careful with the ones that also contain a pole
