
2023-09-11 07:05:23 作者:风吹来的少女


 1     1  null
 1     2  null
 1     3  null
 2     1  null
 2     2  null
 2     3  null

我想设置RN为1到10这是确定的数,整个表重复之间的随机数,但它的坏的重复次数的在任何给定的HH。 。例如,:

I want to set RN to be a random number between 1 and 10. It's ok for the number to repeat across the entire table, but it's bad to repeat the number within any given HH. E.g.,:

 1     1        9       3
 1     2        4       8
 1     3        7       3  <--!!!
 2     1        2       1
 2     2        4       6
 2     3        9       4


This is on Netezza if it makes any difference. This one's being a real headscratcher for me. Thanks in advance!



Well, I couldn't get a slick solution, so I did a hack:

创建一个新的名为整型字段 rand_inst 。 分配一个随机数,以每一个空槽。 更新 rand_inst 来成为这个家庭中的随机数的实例编号。例如,如果我得到两个3的,那么第二个3将有 rand_inst 设置为2。 更新表,任何地方分配一个不同的随机数 rand_inst> 1 。 重复作业和更新,直到我们收敛于一个解决方案。 Created a new integer field called rand_inst. Assign a random number to each empty slot. Update rand_inst to be the instance number of that random number within this household. E.g., if I get two 3's, then the second 3 will have rand_inst set to 2. Update the table to assign a different random number anywhere that rand_inst>1. Repeat assignment and update until we converge on a solution.


Here's what it looks like. Too lazy to anonymise it, so the names are a little different from my original post:

/* Iterative hack to fill 6 slots with a random number between 1 and 13.
   A random number *must not* repeat within a household_id.
update c3_lalfinal a
set a.rand_inst = b.rnum
from (
    select household_id
          ,row_number() over (partition by household_id,rnd order by null) as rnum
    from c3_lalfinal
) b
where a.household_id = b.household_id
  and a.slot_nbr = b.slot_nbr

update c3_lalfinal
set rnd = CAST(0.5 + random() * (13-1+1) as INT)
where rand_inst>1

/* Repeat until this query returns 0: */
select count(*) from (
  select household_id from c3_lalfinal group by 1 having count(distinct(rnd)) <> 6
) x