
2023-09-11 06:58:28 作者:乖一点就抱你

我一直在阅读这个网站: HTTP:// WWW。 csimn.com/CSI_pages/PIDforDummies.html 我很困惑的比例组成部分。下面是它说。的

I've been reading this website: http://www.csimn.com/CSI_pages/PIDforDummies.html and I'm confused about the proportional integral part. Here's what it says.



Here’s a diagram of the controller when we have enabled only P control:


In Proportional Only mode, the controller simply multiplies the Error by the Proportional Gain (Kp) to get the controller output.


The Proportional Gain is the setting that we tune to get our desired performance from a "P only" controller.

上天注定的一场比赛:在P + I控制器


If we put Proportional and Integral Action together, we get the humble PI controller. The Diagram below shows how the algorithm in a PI controller is calculated.


The tricky thing about Integral Action is that it will really screw up your process unless you know exactly how much Integral action to apply.

有一个良好的PID调节技术,将计算到底有多少积分申请的具体过程 - 但如何是积分作用首先调整

A good PID Tuning technique will calculate exactly how much Integral to apply for your specific process - but how is the Integral Action adjusted in the first place?

正如你所看到的,比例部分是很容易理解它说,你通过调整变量乘以错误。我不明白的部分是,你从第二部分获得P和I,并用它来做点什么什么数学运算。我没有一个数学学位或高级微积分的知识,所以我会AP preciate如果你能尽量保持代数水平。的

As you can see, the proportional part is easy to understand it says that you multiply error by tuning variable. The part that I don't get is where you get the P and I from on the second part, and what mathematical operation you do with them. I don't have a degree in mathematics or advanced calculus knowledge, so I would appreciate it if you would try to keep it algebra level.



I integral part is just summation also multiplied by some constant.


数字集成的第一步是刚: Analogue integration is done by nonlinear gain and amplifier.

Digital integration of first order is just:

output += input*dt;


second order is:

temp   += input*dt; 
output += temp*dt;


1 在0到pi 2上积分怎么求 详细步骤

dt is the duration time of iteration loop (timer or what ever)


do not forget that PI regulator can have more complicated response

i1 += input*dt; 
i2 += i1*dt;
i3 += i2*dt;
output = a0*input + a1*i1 + a2*i2 +a3*i3 ...;


where a0 is the P part


Now the I regulator adds more and more amount of control value

,直至控制值是一样的preSET值 的时间越长其控制的速度更快与之相匹配 在此创建了各地preSET值快速振荡 在比较为P具有相同的增益 until the controlled value is the same as the preset value the longer it takes to match it the faster it controls this creates fast oscillations around preset value in comparison to P with the same gain 因此,我的增益通常要小得多创造记忆和流畅的效果LutzL提及。 (而规定时间是相似或更小的则只是对p调节)


The controlled device has its own response

在psented差分功能,这可以重新$ P $ 有很多理论在控制论如何获得正确的调节器的响应 来匹配您的流程需求为: 在控制质量 反应时间 在最大振荡幅度 稳定 this can be represented as differential function there is a lot of theory in cybernetics about obtaining the right regulator response to match your process needs as: quality of control reaction times max oscillations amplitude stability 强烈推荐使用拉普拉斯变换 但很多人还使用 Z变换而不是 strongly recommend use of Laplace transform but many people also use Z transform instead


So I-regulator add speed to regulation

,但它也创造了更大的振荡 当不匹配的监管系统正常也创造了不稳定 整合增加了监管的溢出风险(模拟集成是非常敏感的)


Also take in mind you can also substracting the I part from control value

这将使正好相反 有时我越部件组合来满足所需的调节响应形状