
2023-09-11 06:51:57 作者:谁念西风独自凉

因此​​所面临的挑战是设计一个算法,打印一组给定的子集 N


  N = {A,B,C}




 如果(((I>> j)条和放大器; 1)=== 1)
timestamp比较 多个二进制分析工具各项性能进行的分析与比较

我想我明白这行code正在改变i位右,下J零到我的二重presentation开始。我也明白了一点聪明和放大器;在比较I >> j送至1,看到如果第一位是从输出I >>。

不过,我不明白这是如何操作识别唯一的二进制重新presentations,为什么如果(((I>> j)条和放大器; 1)=== 1)是真正的意味着我们有一个独特的子集一个给定的 N


        this.set =设置;


    SubsetBuilder.prototype.getSubsets =功能(){


        VAR getSubsetsAll =功能(originalSet){

        变种N = this.set.length;
        为(变种I = 0; I&≤(1&所述; n种);我++){
            变种子集= [];
            为(变种J = 0; J&n种; J ++){
                的console.log('I:'+ I +,二进制:+ i.toString(2));
                的console.log('J:+ J +,二进制:+ j.toString(2));
                的console.log('(I>> j)条:);
                的console.log((I>> j)条);
                的console.log('((ⅰ>> j)条和安培; 1):);
                的console.log(((ⅰ>> j)条和安培; 1));
                如果(((ⅰ>> j)条和安培; 1)=== 1){// j位是上
                    subset.push(this.set [J]);

    VAR集= ['A','B','C'];
    VAR OBJ =新SubsetBuilder(套);


如果(((I>> j)条和放大器; 1)=== 1)检查如果i的第j个位被设置

要理解这是如何工作的,考虑5号二进制101B。 >> 只是一个转移(或者,2 N 除)和&放大器; 1 屏蔽了所有,但至少显著位。

 (101B>> 0)及1 =(101B&安培; 1)= 1
(101B>→1)及1 =(10b的&安培; 1)= 0
(101B>→2)及1 =(1b的&安培; 1)= 1




  0:0 0 0 => {}
1:0 0 1 => {    一个}
2:0 1 0 => {B}
3:0 1 1 => {B A}
4:1 0 0 => {C    }
5:1 0 1 => {C A}
6:1 1 0 => {C B}
7:1 1 1 => {C B A}



So the challenge is to design an algorithm that PRINTS the subsets of a given set n.

Let's set n equal:

 n = {a,b,c}

On this stack overflow article there is an answer from @Piva that solves this problem using the fact that "Each number from 0 to 2^n gives a unique subset in its binary representation"

I have written a Javascript version of @Piva's code, it works well. I understand most of it except one line:

if(((i>>j) & 1) === 1)

I think I understand this line of code is shifting i bits right, adding j zeros to the beginning of i's binary representation. I also understand the bit wise & is comparing i >>j to 1 and seeing if the first bit is on from the output i >>.

But I don't understand how this operation identifies unique binary representations and why the if(((i>>j) & 1) === 1) being true means we have a unique subset of a given n.

Here is my Javascript version:

    function SubsetBuilder(set) {
        this.set = set;


    SubsetBuilder.prototype.getSubsets = function () {
        var self = this;

        if (!self.set)
            return null;

        //recursive way, do next
        var getSubsetsAll = function (originalSet) {
            if (!originalSet) {

        var n = this.set.length;
        for(var i = 0; i < (1<<n); i++) {
            var subset = [];
            for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                console.log('i:' + i + ", binary: " + i.toString(2));
                console.log('j:' + j + ", binary: " + j.toString(2));
                console.log('(i >> j):');
                console.log((i >> j));
                console.log('((i>>j) & 1):');
                console.log(((i >> j) & 1));
                if(((i>>j) & 1) === 1){ // bit j is on

    var set = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
    var obj = new SubsetBuilder(set);


if(((i>>j) & 1) === 1) checks if the j-th bit of i is set.

To understand how this works, consider the number 5 in binary 101b. >> is just a shift (or equivalently, division by 2n) and & 1 masks out all but the least significant bit.

(101b >> 0) & 1 = (101b & 1) = 1
(101b >> 1) & 1 = ( 10b & 1) = 0
(101b >> 2) & 1 = (  1b & 1) = 1 

So once wen understand how the bit-extraction works, we need to understand why bit-extraction is equivalent to subset inclusion:

Here's how we map from binary numbers 0-7 to subsets of {A,B,C}

0: 0 0 0   => {     }
1: 0 0 1   => {    A}
2: 0 1 0   => {  B  }
3: 0 1 1   => {  B A}
4: 1 0 0   => {C    }
5: 1 0 1   => {C   A}
6: 1 1 0   => {C B  }
7: 1 1 1   => {C B A}

And clearly we have listed all subsets.

Hopefully you can now see why the test for the j-th bit of i is equivalent to the inclusion of the j-th object into the ith subset.