
2023-09-11 23:24:02 作者:记住丶给妳幸福的人是Me


Applying Kadane algorithm to get max product subarray seems tricky. While I am able to get the max product, I am not really getting the correct range of the max product subarray.


http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/maximum-product-subarray/ explains the way to get the max product but I dont get how we can get the range of the subarray.


Can someone help me understand the range issue? This is a standard interview question and I want to make sure I understand the logic for the product case instead of just saying that the max sum subarray can be modified to answer max product subarray case.




在当前数字+已经 在目前的数字是-ve 在目前的数字是0




max which holds the maximum value till now.

现在的情况下3 最高将被复位到1。

Now for case 3 min and max will be reset to 1.

有关案例1 最高最大* A [1] 将是最小的分钟* A [1] 1。

For case 1: max will be max * a[i] and min will be minimum of min*a[i] and 1.

有关案例2 最高将是最大的的[I] *分钟 1 ,而值将是最大* A [1]。

For case 2: max will be maximum of a[i] * min and 1, but the min value will be max * a[i].


private static int getMaxProduct(int[] a){
    int minCurrent = 1, maxCurrent = 1, max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    for (int current : a) {
        if (current > 0) {
            maxCurrent = maxCurrent * current;
            minCurrent = Math.min(minCurrent * current, 1);
        } else if (current == 0) {
            maxCurrent = 1;
            minCurrent = 1;
        } else {
            int x = maxCurrent;
            maxCurrent = Math.max(minCurrent * current, 1);
            minCurrent = x * current;
        if (max < maxCurrent) {
            max = maxCurrent;
    return max;