
2023-09-11 06:23:51 作者:梦得


I want to work on the Rijndael algorithm using C#. Can anybody help me with this please?


我假设你指的是Rijndael加密算法 - 在这种情况下,RinjdaelManaged会使用。 MSDN文档(previous链接)的例子,还是有很多其他的引用,例如看这里。

I'm assuming you mean the Rijndael encryption algorithm - in which case RinjdaelManaged would be of use. The MSDN documentation (previous link) has examples, or there are lots of other references, for example see here.


I see (comments to other reply) that you are looking at implementing this yourself... some thoughts:

请不要 为什么? 请不要


Unless this is purely for interest, stick to the existing implementation. It will eat time, and potentially introduce security weaknesses. I can't think of a good reason to rewrite this.