
2023-09-12 21:23:34 作者:贱到骨子里

我想出了以下简单的最长的递归解决方案增加子序列。 但是,你能不能帮到包括记忆化到这个递归解决方案。

I came up with simple following recursive solution for Longest increasing sub-sequence. But, Can you help to include memoization into this recursive solution.

public int findLIS(int a[], int maxSoFar, int item, int count) {

        if(item == a.length) {
            return count;
        int length1 = findLIS(a,maxSoFar, item+1, count);
        int length2 = 0;
        if(a[item] > maxSoFar) {

            length2 = findLIS(a, a[item], item+1, count + 1);
        return Math.max(length1, length2);


PS: This not a homework question, it is more of my interest.


使用地图<对<整数,整数GT;,整数GT; ,并在该初方法Add:

Use a Map<Pair<Integer,Integer>,Integer>, and at the beginning of the method add:

Integer cache = map.get(new Pair<Integer,Integer>(maxSoFar,item));
if (cache != null) return cache;

每次返回任何事情 - 请务必写(maxSoFar,项目)=的returnValue 到地图中。

Each time you return anything - make sure to write (maxSoFar,item)=returnValue to the map.

我们的想法是,稀土present你在哪里,在计算对之间的映射 - 要找到这种状态的最大值,以避免重新计算它

The idea is to map between the pair that represent where you are in the calculation - to the maximal value found for this state, to avoid recalculating it.


It seems java, so you can use apache commons Pair as your Pair interface.