C ++我二叉树以及形成二叉树

2023-09-11 05:29:38 作者:野性傀儡.


i propose a recursive implementation for checking whether binary search tree is valid:

  Return true if binary tree is a binary search tree
bool BinaryTree::isBinarySearchTree(BinaryTree* tree, int& prev)
    if(!isBinarySearchTree(tree->left, tree->data)) // left
         return false;

    if(tree->value > prev) // here
        return false;
        prev = tree->value;

    return isBinaryTree(tree->right); // right


i have big doubt on the second check,

    if(tree->value > prev) // here
        return false;

什么是您最喜欢的C ++实现了这个问题?

whats your favorite c++ implementation for this problem?



how would you extend to find larger BST in given tree?



It's amazing how many people get this wrong.


Here's an example of a tree which the naive solution fails to reject:

              /   \
             /     \
            4       6
           / \     / \
          1   7   1   7


Every invocation of a naive check will succeed, since every parent is between its children. Yet, it is clearly not a well-formed binary search tree.


Here's a quick solution:

bool test(Tree* n,
  int min=std::numeric_limits<int>::min(),
  int max=std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) {
  return !n || ( 
         min < n->data && n->data < max
         && test(n->left, min, n->data)
         && test(n->right, n->data, max));


This isn't perfect, because it requires that neither INT_MIN nor INT_MAX be present in the tree. Often, BST nodes are ordered by <= instead of <, and making that change would only reserve one value instead of two. Fixing the whole thing is left as an exercise.


Here's a demonstration of how the naive test gets it wrong:

#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#define T new_tree

struct Tree{
  Tree* left;
  int data;
  Tree* right;

Tree* T(int v) { return new Tree{0, v, 0}; }
Tree* T(Tree* l, int v, Tree* r) { return new Tree{l, v, r}; }

bool naive_test(Tree* n) {
  return n == 0 || ((n->left == 0 || n->data > n->left->data)
      && (n->right == 0 || n->data < n->right->data)
      && naive_test(n->left) && naive_test(n->right));

bool test(Tree* n,
  int min=std::numeric_limits<int>::min(),
  int max=std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) {
  return !n || ( 
         min < n->data && n->data < max
         && test(n->left, min, n->data)
         && test(n->right, n->data, max));

const char* goodbad(bool b) { return b ? "good" : "bad"; }

int main(int argc, char**argv) {
  auto t = T( T( T(1),4,T(7)), 5, T(T(1),6,T(7)));
  std::cerr << "Naive test says " << goodbad(naive_test(t))
            << "; Test says " << goodbad(test(t)) << std::endl;
  return 0;