
2023-09-11 05:27:27 作者:谁也不许回头


I have a sorted array of Javascript date objects, the array always has a length of 14 entries. In pseudo:

["label1"] = date object 1,
["label2"] = date object 2,
["label14"] = date object 14


Although they are in sorted order by date, the dates are not distributed evenly. For example, between entry 1 and 2 may be 1 hour, whilst between entry 5 and 6 are a few minutes, or a few hours.


My challenge is to find an algorithm that for any given input date, will find the following from this array:

的previous日期的数组中的位置 下一个日期的数组中的位置 在我们输入的日期将落在上面的日期之间,我想知道2点之间的时间的百分比。例如,正好在日期间将返回50%。

我不喜欢问请$ C C此$我的问题,但我真的没有好书面高效alghorithms并找到现有alghorithm是不成功的。

I don't like asking "please code this for me" questions but I'm really no good in writing efficient alghorithms and have been unsuccesful in finding an existing alghorithm.



Since the array is sorted, the previous date is at the previous position in the array while the next date is at the next position in the array.


To determine the percentage, you can simply use the following formula:

var percentage = (date - prev) / (next - prev);


That will result in a number between 0 and 1, so if you need between 0 and 100%, simply multiply by 100.


var dates = [];
for (var i=0; i<14; i++) { dates.push(new Date(1392119656126 + i*i*10000000)) }
for (var i = 1; i<dates.length-1; i++) { 
  var percentage = ((dates[i]-dates[i-1])/(dates[i+1]-dates[i-1])) * 100;
  console.log('P', dates[i-1], 'C', dates[i], 'N', dates[i+1], 'PERC', percentage);