
2023-09-11 04:58:55 作者:那伤╮耀眼德美

HashMap selections = new HashMap<Integer, Float>();


How can i get the Integer key of the 3rd smaller value of Float in all HashMap?

修改 即时通讯使用HashMap的这种

Edit im using the HashMap for this

for (InflatedRunner runner : prices.getRunners()) {
       for (InflatedMarketPrices.InflatedPrice price : runner.getLayPrices()) {
           if (price.getDepth() == 1) {
             selections.put(new Integer(runner.getSelectionId()), new Float(price.getPrice()));



i need the runner of the 3rd smaller price with depth 1


maybe i should implement this in another way?


如果您使用的是迈克尔Mrozek指甲用他的问题的HashMap 右:这是非常典型的场景为的HashMap 。这就是说,你可以做这样的事情:

Michael Mrozek nails it with his question if you're using HashMap right: this is highly atypical scenario for HashMap. That said, you can do something like this:

获得设置&LT;为Map.Entry&LT; K,V&GT;&GT; 的HashMap&LT; K,V&GT; .entrySet()的addAll 名单,其中,为Map.Entry&LT; K,V&GT;&GT; Col​​lections.sort 列表中使用自定义比较&LT;为Map.Entry&LT; K,V&GT;&GT; 的根据 V 排序。 如果您只需要3 的Map.Entry&LT; K,V&GT; 只,那么 O(N) 选择算法就足够了。 get the Set<Map.Entry<K,V>> from the HashMap<K,V>.entrySet(). addAll to List<Map.Entry<K,V>> Collections.sort the list with a custom Comparator<Map.Entry<K,V>> that sorts based on V. If you just need the 3rd Map.Entry<K,V> only, then a O(N) selection algorithm may suffice.


看起来选择应该是一个真正的SortedMap&LT;浮动,InflatedRunner&GT; 。你应该看看 的java.util .TreeMap

It looks like selection should really be a SortedMap<Float, InflatedRunner>. You should look at java.util.TreeMap.

下面是一个例子,说明 TreeMap的可以用来取得第三个最关键的:

Here's an example of how TreeMap can be used to get the 3rd lowest key:

TreeMap<Integer,String> map = new TreeMap<Integer,String>();
map.put(33, "Three");
map.put(44, "Four");
map.put(11, "One");
map.put(22, "Two");

int thirdKey = map.higherKey(map.higherKey(map.firstKey()));
System.out.println(thirdKey); // prints "33"

另外请注意我是如何走的 INT 整数利用Java的自动装箱/拆箱功能。我注意到,你使用新的整数新的浮动在你原来的code;这是不必要的。

Also note how I take advantage of Java's auto-boxing/unboxing feature between int and Integer. I noticed that you used new Integer and new Float in your original code; this is unnecessary.


应该注意的是,如果你有多个 InflatedRunner 与同价位的,只有一个会被保留。如果这是一个问题,你需要保留的所有运动员,那么你可以做的几件事情之一:

It should be noted that if you have multiple InflatedRunner with the same price, only one will be kept. If this is a problem, and you want to keep all runners, then you can do one of a few things:

如果你真的需要一个多图(一键可以映射到多个值),那么您可以: 有无 TreeMap的&LT;浮动,设置&LT; InflatedRunner&GT;&GT; 使用 Multimap之从谷歌集合 If you really need a multi-map (one key can map to multiple values), then you can: have TreeMap<Float,Set<InflatedRunner>> Use MultiMap from Google Collections Col​​lections.sort 的列表,并获得在第三对 使用O(N)选择算法 Collections.sort the list and get the 3rd pair Use O(N) selection algorithm