
2023-09-11 04:44:48 作者:烹茶漫卷


10,40; 9,27; 5.68; 7.55; 8,15;

10,40; 9,27; 5,68; 7,55; 8,15;


How do I sort those coordinates without losing the correct X-Axis of the sorted Y-Axis.


From the example above I want to sort the coordinates so the correct output will be:

8.15; 9,27; 10,40; 7.55; 5.68。

8,15; 9,27; 10,40; 7,55; 5,68.

任何建议将大大AP preciated。 谢谢你。

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.



#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include <algorithm>    // std::sort

// This defines a binary predicate that, 
// taking two values of the same type of those 
// contained in the list, returns true if the first 
// argument goes before the second argument
struct myclass {
    bool operator() (cv::Point pt1, cv::Point pt2) { return (pt1.y < pt2.y);}
} myobject;

int main () {
    // input data
    std::vector<cv::Point> pts(5);
    pts[0] = Point(10,40);
    pts[1] = Point(9,27);
    pts[2] = Point(5,68);
    pts[3] = Point(7,55);
    pts[4] = Point(8,15);

    // sort vector using myobject as comparator
    std::sort(pts.begin(), pts.end(), myobject);