
2023-09-11 04:17:21 作者:龙卷风卷走爱情




我有时甚至创建了平衡树的冲突解决一个哈希表。在这种情况下,可以几乎的忘记重新散列 - 的性能不会开始恶化明显,直到项目的数量由至少几个数量级超过该表的大小

How do I decide when should I do rehashing of entire hash table?

解决方案 老调重弹,既懂技术又懂管理的人才发展中的实际问题

This depends a great deal on how you're resolving collisions. If you user linear probing, performance usually starts to drop pretty badly with a load factor much higher than 60% or so. If you use double hashing, a load factor of 80-85% is usually pretty reasonable. If you use collision chaining, performance usually remains reasonable with load factors up to around 150% or or more.

I've sometimes even created a hash table with balanced trees for collision resolution. In this case, you can almost forget about re-hashing -- the performance doesn't start to deteriorate noticeably until the number of items exceeds the table size by at least a couple orders of magnitude.