
2023-09-11 04:05:55 作者:空心


I am looking to generate a number sequence where each number is between 70 and 100 there will be x numbers in the sequence and it will give and average of y. What would this algorithm look like?



I think it is impossible for them to be uniformly distributed between 70 and 100 and have a given average at the same time.


What you can do is generate random numbers that have a given average and then scale them to fit into [70, 100] (but they will not be uniformly distributed there).


generate random numbers [0..1(



multiply all of them to match the required average

如果其中任何一个不适合到[70,100],规模个个再次通过相同的因子减少从的距离(这不改变的平均值)。 X [I] = Y +(X [I] - Y)*比例

if any of them does not fit into [70, 100], scale all of them again by reducing their distance from y by the same factor (this does not change the average). x[i] = y + (x[i] - y)*scale

您将结束与该均在范围[70,100(数字,但它们将跨越该中心位于Y A不同(但重叠)间隔均匀分布。而且,这种方法只适用于真正的/浮点数字。如果你想整数,你在你的手中有一个组合的问题。

You will end up with numbers that are all in the range [70, 100(, but they will be uniformly distributed across a different (but overlapping) interval that is centered on y. Also, this approach only works with real/floating-point numbers. If you want integers, you got a combinational problem on your hands.