
2023-09-12 21:19:15 作者:26.稚梦小仙女


I need to multiply several 1000s digits long integers as efficiently as possible in Python. The numbers are read from a file.


I am trying to implement the Schönhage-Strassen algorithm for integer multiplication, but I am stuck on understanding the definition and mathematics behind it, specially the Fast Fourier Transform.


Any help to understand this algorithm, like a practical example or some pseudo-code would be highly appreciated.


Knuth的的 TAOCP 的描述它,并且还具有一些FFT伪$ C $中的c,可以被用于这个其他章节。

Chapter 4.3.3 of Knuth's TAOCP describes it and also has some FFT pseudocode in other chapters that could be used for this.