
2023-09-11 03:18:27 作者:含笑半步颠

使用Scala 2.9实现了一种Dijkstra算法的(伪code)

Using Scala 2.9 to implement a kind of Dijkstra algorithm (pseudo code)

val queue = new PriorityQueue
while (!queue.isEmpty) {
  val u = queue.extractMin
  queue.foreach { v =>
    if (condition(u, v))
      queue.decreaseKey(v, newPriority)

我想改变一个项目的优先级Sc​​ala的 collection.mutable.PriorityQueue


删除项目 更改优先级 重新插入到队列中。

但我不能找到一种方法,要么更新优先级或删除特定项目(不 一定是头元素),如 java.util.PriorityQueue中的#删除(对象)作为并列的 删除的项目从优先级队列。

But I can't find a method to either update priority or remove a specific item (not necessarily head element) like java.util.PriorityQueue#remove(Object) as apposed in Removing an item from a priority queue.

如何这个任务可以用 scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue 完成 或者我必须使用 java.util.PriorityQueue中呢?

How this task can be done with scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue or do I have to use java.util.PriorityQueue instead?

有谁知道缺少这样的方法是否是设计使然,它会推荐 改变一些项目优先后重建队列(也许一起来看看关于Priority排队的动态项的优先级的)?

Does anyone know whether lack of such a method is by design and it would be recommended to rebuild the queue after changing priority of some items (maybe take a look at discussion about Priority queue with dynamic item priorities)?



Defining a case class for the PriorityQueue type to use with var for priority allows you to find it and mutate the priority. The PriorityQueue then has this new value. To get the ordering correct I had to clone it which reorders/forces the ordering. There might be a better way to do this without cloning.

case class Elem(var priority: Int, i: Int)

def MyOrdering = new Ordering[Elem] {
  def compare(a : Elem, b : Elem) = a.priority.compare(b.priority)

val pq = new scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[Elem]()(MyOrdering)  ++ List(Elem(1,1), Elem(0,0), Elem(2,2))

pq.find(x => x.priority == 0) match {
  case Some(elem: Elem) => elem.priority = 3
  case None => println("Not found")

val pq2 = pq.clone

:load SO.scala
Loading SO.scala...
defined class Elem
PileOrdering: java.lang.Object with Ordering[Elem]
pq: scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[Elem] = PriorityQueue(Elem(2,2), Elem(0,0), Elem(1,1))
pq2: scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[Elem] = PriorityQueue(Elem(3,0), Elem(2,2), Elem(1,1))
PriorityQueue(Elem(3,0), Elem(2,2), Elem(1,1))