尖峰时刻 - 解决游戏尖峰时刻、游戏

2023-09-11 02:54:27 作者:蓅矢の誋忆

尖峰时刻 如果你不熟悉它,该游戏由大小不等的车的集合,设置水平或垂直,在N×M个网格,只有一个出口的。照片 每节车厢可向前/向后移动,它被设置在方向,只要另一辆车没有阻止它。你可以永远换汽车的方向。照片 有一个特殊的车,一般是红色的。它被设置在同一行的退出是在和游戏的目标是找到的一系列动作(​​一动 - 动车n步前进或后退),将允许红旗轿车驶出迷宫。

Rush Hour if you're not familiar with it, the game consists of a collection of cars of varying sizes, set either horizontally or vertically, on a NxM grid that has a single exit. Each car can move forward/backward in the directions it's set in, as long as another car is not blocking it. You can never change the direction of a car. There is one special car, usually it's the red one. It's set in the same row that the exit is in, and the objective of the game is to find a series of moves (a move - moving a car N steps back or forward) that will allow the red car to drive out of the maze.

我一直试图想怎么计算解决这个问题,我也真的想不到什么好的解决办法。 我想出了几个:

I've been trying to think how to solve this problem computationally, and I can really not think of any good solution. I came up with a few:

回溯。这是pretty的简单 - 递归和一些递归,直到你找到答案。然而,每节车厢可移动几个不同的方式,并在每场比赛状态的几辆车可以移动,产生的博弈树将是巨大的。 在某种约束的算法,将顾及什么需要移动,并以某种方式递归工作。这是一个非常粗略的想法,但它是一个想法。 图?模型中的游戏状态为图形和应用某种变化对着色算法,解决依赖关系?再次,这是一个非常粗略的概念。 在一个朋友建议遗传算法。这是某种可能的,但不容易。我想不出一个好办法来进行评估的功能,并没有说什么都没了。

所以,问题是 - 如何建立一个程序,需要一个网格和车辆的布局,并输出了一系列需要得到红色的车出的步骤?

So the question is - How to create a program that takes a grid and the vehicle layout, and outputs a series of steps needed to get the red car out?


查找部分解决方案。 找到一个优化溶液(移动最小数量) 在评估如何好当前的状态, Finding some solution. Finding an optimal solution (minimal number of moves) Evaluating how good a current state is


Example: How can you move the cars in this setting, so that the red car can "exit" the maze through the exit on the right?



For classic Rush Hour, this problem is very tractable with a simple breadth first search. The claimed hardest known initial configuration requires 93 moves to solve, with a total of only 24132 reachable configurations. Even a naively implemented breadth-first search algorithm can explore the entire search space in under 1 second on even a modest machine.

维基/尖峰时刻(棋盘游戏) 尖峰时刻的初始配置 - 这些都是自称是最困难的问题 求解源在ideone.com - 与输出的最难输入 Wikipedia/Rush Hour (board game) Rush Hour Initial Configurations -- these are claimed to be the "hardest" problems Solver source at ideone.com - with output for the "hardest" input

下面是一个广度优先搜索详尽的求解器的全部源$ C ​​$ C,C语言编写的风格。

Here's the complete source code of a breadth-first search exhaustive solver, written in C-style.

import java.util.*;

public class RushHour {
    // classic Rush Hour parameters
    static final int N = 6;
    static final int M = 6;
    static final int GOAL_R = 2;
    static final int GOAL_C = 5;

    // the transcription of the 93 moves, total 24132 configurations problem
    // from http://cs.ulb.ac.be/~fservais/rushhour/index.php?window_size=20&offset=0
    static final String INITIAL =   "333BCC" +
                                    "B22BCC" +
                                    "B.XXCC" +
                                    "22B..." +
                                    ".BB.22" +

    static final String HORZS = "23X";  // horizontal-sliding cars
    static final String VERTS = "BC";   // vertical-sliding cars
    static final String LONGS = "3C";   // length 3 cars
    static final String SHORTS = "2BX"; // length 2 cars
    static final char GOAL_CAR = 'X';
    static final char EMPTY = '.';      // empty space, movable into
    static final char VOID = '@';       // represents everything out of bound

    // breaks a string into lines of length N using regex
    static String prettify(String state) {
        String EVERY_NTH = "(?<=\\G.{N})".replace("N", String.valueOf(N));
        return state.replaceAll(EVERY_NTH, "\n");

    // conventional row major 2D-1D index transformation
    static int rc2i(int r, int c) {
        return r * N + c;

    // checks if an entity is of a given type
    static boolean isType(char entity, String type) {
        return type.indexOf(entity) != -1;

    // finds the length of a car
    static int length(char car) {
            isType(car, LONGS) ? 3 :
            isType(car, SHORTS) ? 2 :
            0/0; // a nasty shortcut for throwing IllegalArgumentException

    // in given state, returns the entity at a given coordinate, possibly out of bound
    static char at(String state, int r, int c) {
        return (inBound(r, M) && inBound(c, N)) ? state.charAt(rc2i(r, c)) : VOID;
    static boolean inBound(int v, int max) {
        return (v >= 0) && (v < max);

    // checks if a given state is a goal state
    static boolean isGoal(String state) {
        return at(state, GOAL_R, GOAL_C) == GOAL_CAR;

    // in a given state, starting from given coordinate, toward the given direction,
    // counts how many empty spaces there are (origin inclusive)
    static int countSpaces(String state, int r, int c, int dr, int dc) {
        int k = 0;
        while (at(state, r + k * dr, c + k * dc) == EMPTY) {
        return k;

    // the predecessor map, maps currentState => previousState
    static Map<String,String> pred = new HashMap<String,String>();
    // the breadth first search queue
    static Queue<String> queue = new LinkedList<String>();
    // the breadth first search proposal method: if we haven't reached it yet,
    // (i.e. it has no predecessor), we map the given state and add to queue
    static void propose(String next, String prev) {
        if (!pred.containsKey(next)) {
            pred.put(next, prev);

    // the predecessor tracing method, implemented using recursion for brevity;
    // guaranteed no infinite recursion, but may throw StackOverflowError on
    // really long shortest-path trace (which is infeasible in standard Rush Hour)
    static int trace(String current) {
        String prev = pred.get(current);
        int step = (prev == null) ? 0 : trace(prev) + 1;
        return step;

    // in a given state, from a given origin coordinate, attempts to find a car of a given type
    // at a given distance in a given direction; if found, slide it in the opposite direction
    // one spot at a time, exactly n times, proposing those states to the breadth first search
    // e.g.
    //    direction = -->
    //    __n__
    //   /     \
    //   ..o....c
    //      \___/
    //      distance
    static void slide(String current, int r, int c, String type, int distance, int dr, int dc, int n) {
        r += distance * dr;
        c += distance * dc;
        char car = at(current, r, c);
        if (!isType(car, type)) return;
        final int L = length(car);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(current);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            r -= dr;
            c -= dc;
            sb.setCharAt(rc2i(r, c), car);
            sb.setCharAt(rc2i(r + L * dr, c + L * dc), EMPTY);
            propose(sb.toString(), current);
            current = sb.toString(); // comment to combo as one step

    // explores a given state; searches for next level states in the breadth first search
    // Let (r,c) be the intersection point of this cross:
    //     @       nU = 3     '@' is not a car, 'B' and 'X' are of the wrong type;
    //     .       nD = 1     only '2' can slide to the right up to 5 spaces
    //   2.....B   nL = 2
    //     X       nR = 4
    // The n? counts how many spaces are there in a given direction, origin inclusive.
    // Cars matching the type will then slide on these "alleys".
    static void explore(String current) {
        for (int r = 0; r < M; r++) {
            for (int c = 0; c < N; c++) {
                if (at(current, r, c) != EMPTY) continue;
                int nU = countSpaces(current, r, c, -1, 0);
                int nD = countSpaces(current, r, c, +1, 0);
                int nL = countSpaces(current, r, c, 0, -1);
                int nR = countSpaces(current, r, c, 0, +1);
                slide(current, r, c, VERTS, nU, -1, 0, nU + nD - 1);
                slide(current, r, c, VERTS, nD, +1, 0, nU + nD - 1);
                slide(current, r, c, HORZS, nL, 0, -1, nL + nR - 1);
                slide(current, r, c, HORZS, nR, 0, +1, nL + nR - 1);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // typical queue-based breadth first search implementation
        propose(INITIAL, null);
        boolean solved = false;
        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            String current = queue.remove();
            if (isGoal(current) && !solved) {
                solved = true;
                //break; // comment to continue exploring entire space
        System.out.println(pred.size() + " explored");

有源$ C ​​$ C两注,值得行:

There are two note-worthy lines in the source code:

打破; 当找到解决方法 这是现在评论,这样的广度优先搜索探索的全部的搜索空间,以确认该链接的网站上面给出号码 The break; when a solution is found This is now commented so that the breadth first search explores the entire search space, to confirm the numbers given in the linked website above 在本质上,这计数任何汽车的每一个动作的一招。如果汽车被移动3位到左侧,这是3移动。连击这是一招(因为它涉及同一辆车朝着同一个方向),简单地注释此行。链接的网站不承认的组合,所以这条线现在取消注释相匹配的特定动作的最小数量。随着组合计数,93-移动问题只需要49组合动作。也就是说,如果有一个停车场服务员在周围移动这些车的很多,他只只需要进出汽车的49倍。


The algorithm is essentially a breadth first search, implemented with a queue as is typical. A predecessor map is maintained so that any state can be traced back to the initial state. A key will never be remapped, and as entries are inserted in breadth-first search order, shortest path is guaranteed.

一个状态重新psented为 N×M个 - 长度字符串 $ P $。每个字符重presents在黑板上的实体,存储在行主顺序。

A state is represented as an NxM-length String. Each char represents an entity on the board, stored in row-major order.


Neighboring states are found by scanning all 4 directions from an empty space, looking for an appropriate car type, sliding it as room accommodates.


There is plenty of redundant work here (e.g. long "alleys" are scanned multiple times), but as mentioned before, although the generalized version is PSPACE-complete, the classic Rush Hour variant is very tractable by brute force.

广度优先搜索 行优先的顺序 Breadth-first search Row-major order