
2023-09-11 02:32:56 作者:只為ㄋ遇見你


 公共类CoordinatesSquare {

公共静态布尔isSquare(名单<点> listPoints){
    如果(listPoints = NULL和放大器;!&安培; listPoints.size()== 4){
        INT距离1 =距离(listPoints.get(0),listPoints.get(1));
        INT distance2的距离=(listPoints.get(0),listPoints.get(2));
        INT距离3 =距离(listPoints.get(0),listPoints.get(3));

        如果(距离1 ==距离2){
            如果(距离3 ==距离1 +距离2){

        }否则,如果(距离1 ==距离3){
            如果(距离2 ==距离1 +距离3){


              //(X2-X1)^ 2 +(Y2-Y1)^ 2
    返回(int)的(Math.pow(point2.x  -  point.x,2)+(Mat​​h.pow(point2.y
             -  point.y,2)));

公共静态无效的主要(字符串的args []){
    名单<点> pointz =新的ArrayList<点>();


    this.x = X;
    this.y = Y;

    如果(物镜=空&安培;!&安培; obj.getClass()等于(this.getClass())。){



您知道吗,你可以做同样的检查更容易。你只需要检查两件事情: 四点做平行四边形和它的角度一个是正确的。

首先是真实的,当 P3 = P1 +(P2-P1)+(P4-P1)

已知田字方格是由4个相同的正方形构成的,则角1 角2 角3

和第二时(P2-P1)*(P4-P1)= 0

其中, A * B 是一个点积(AX * Bx的+好哦*通过)

在这里,唯一的缺点是计算错误。你不能指望花车是完全相等,所以不是 A = B 你应该考虑使用类似 ABS(AB)< Ë,其中电子是你的情况足够小。

So I am trying to write a simple method which takes in set of four coordinates and decide whether they form a square or not.My approach is start with a point and calculate the distance between the other three points and the base point.From this we can get the two sides which have same value and the one which is a diagonal.Then I use Pythagoras theorem to find if the sides square is equal to the diagonal.If it is the isSquare method return true else false.The thing I want to find out is there some cases I might be missing out on or if something is wrong with the approach.Thanks for the all the help.

public class CoordinatesSquare {

public static boolean isSquare(List<Point> listPoints) {
    if (listPoints != null && listPoints.size() == 4) {
        int distance1 = distance(listPoints.get(0), listPoints.get(1));
        int distance2 = distance(listPoints.get(0), listPoints.get(2));
        int distance3 = distance(listPoints.get(0), listPoints.get(3));

        if (distance1 == distance2) {
            // checking if the sides are equal to the diagonal
            if (distance3 == distance1 + distance2) {
                return true;

        } else if (distance1 == distance3) {
            // checking if the sides are equal to the diagonal
            if (distance2 == distance1 + distance3) {
                return true;

    return false;

private static int distance(Point point, Point point2) {
    return (int) (Math.pow(point2.x - point.x, 2) + (Math.pow(point2.y
            - point.y, 2)));

public static void main(String args[]) {
    List<Point> pointz = new ArrayList<Point>();
    pointz.add(new Point(2, 2));
    pointz.add(new Point(2, 4));
    pointz.add(new Point(4, 2));
    pointz.add(new Point(4, 4));

//Point Class
 public class Point {
Integer x;
Integer y;
boolean isVisited;

public Point(Integer x, Integer y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if(obj!=null && obj.getClass().equals(this.getClass())){
        return ((Point) obj).x.equals(this.x)&&((Point) obj).y.equals(this.y);
    return false;



You know, you can do the same check much easier. You just have to check two things: "four points make a parallelogram" and "one of its angles is right".

First is true when P3 = P1 + (P2-P1) + (P4-P1)

And the second when (P2-P1)*(P4-P1) = 0

Where A*B is a dot product (A.x * B.x + A.y * B.y)

The only catch here is computational error. You can't expect floats to be exactly equal, so instead of A=B you should consider using something like abs(A-B) < E where E is small enough for your case.