
2023-09-11 02:25:24 作者:Ace 王者


I have a version of bubble sort:

int i, j;  

for i from n downto 1 
    for j from 1 to i-1 
        if (A[j] > A[j+1])
            swap(A[j], A[j+1]) 


I want to calculate the expected number of swaps using the above version of bubble sort. The method used by me is shown below :

// 0 based index

float ans = 0.0;

for ( int i = 0; i < n-1; i++ )
    for ( int j = i+1; j < n; j++ ) {

        ans += getprob( a[i], a[j]); // computes probability that a[i]>a[j].


Am i going the correct way or am I missing something?



The best way to get the answer is by running the bubble-sort algorithm itself and including a counter after the swap() call. Your calculation function would (a) need almost as long as the sort itself (depending on the runtime of swap() vs. getprob()) and (b) miss the point that the order of the elements changes while sorting.

顺便说一下,交换的确切数量()调用取决于你需要排序的数据 - 您有n个*(N-1)/ 2 comparisions和它们中的任何可能导致一个交换(平均,一半的时间,你需要交换比较的元素)。

Btw, the exact number of swap() calls depends on the data you need to sort - you have n*(n-1)/2 comparisions and any of them could result in a swap (on average, half of the time you need to swap the compared elements).
