
2023-09-11 02:20:18 作者:我深知我该努力了



 公开结果<布尔> RemoveLocation(LocationKey键)
           名单<错误> errorList =新的名单,其中,错误>();
           布尔结果= NULL;
                结果= locationDAO.RemoveLocation(密钥);
           }赶上(UpdateException UE){
               errorList = ue.ErrorList;



 公开结果<布尔> RemoveLocation(LocationKey键)
             VAR魔术= locationDAO.RemoveLocation(密钥);

        公开结果<布尔> CreateLocation(LocationKey键)
             VAR魔术= locationDAO.CreateLocation(密钥);


        公开结果<布尔> ProtectedDAOCall(Func键< ...,布尔>的doSomething)
           名单<错误> errorList =新的名单,其中,错误>();
           布尔结果= NULL;
                结果= DoSomething的();
           }赶上(UpdateException UE){
               errorList = ue.ErrorList;





 公开结果<布尔> CreateLocation(LocationKey键)
        LocationDAO locationDAO =新LocationDAO();
        返回WrapMethod(()=> locationDAO.CreateLocation(键));

    公开结果<布尔> RemoveLocation(LocationKey键)
        LocationDAO locationDAO =新LocationDAO();
        返回WrapMethod(()=> locationDAO.RemoveLocation(键));

    静态结果< T> WrapMethod< T>(Func键<结果< T>> FUNC)
        赶上(UpdateException UE)
            返回新的结果< T>(默认值(T),ue.Errors);



 公开结果<布尔> RemoveLocation(LocationKey键)
    返回WrapMethod(()=> locationDAO.RemoveLocation(键));
静态结果< T> WrapMethod< T>(Func键< T> FUNC){
        返回新的结果< T>(FUNC());
        返回新的结果< T>(ex.ErrorList);
        返回新的结果< T>((名单<错误>)NULL);


 类结果< T>
    民营结果(布尔ISERROR,T值,列表和LT;错误> erors){}
    公开名单<错误> ErrorList {获得;私定; }

(尽管如果我的有的做到这一点我可能会做一些与异常的更多有趣的是,不正好是 SomeExceptionBase

All i have something i have been trying to do for a while and have yet to find a good strategy to do it, i am not sure C# can even support what i am trying to do.

Example imagine a template like this, repeated in manager code overarching cocept function Returns a result consisting of a success flag and error list.

       public Result<Boolean> RemoveLocation(LocationKey key)
           List<Error> errorList = new List<Error>();
           Boolean result = null;
                result  = locationDAO.RemoveLocation(key);
           }catch(UpdateException ue){
               //Error happened less pass this back to the user!
               errorList = ue.ErrorList;

           return new Result<Boolean>(result, errorList);

Looking to turn it into a template like the below where Do Something is some call (preferably not static) that returns a Boolean. I know i could do this in a stack sense, but i am really looking for a way to do it via object reference.

        public Result<Boolean> RemoveLocation(LocationKey key)
             var magic =  locationDAO.RemoveLocation(key);

             return ProtectedDAOCall(magic);
        public Result<Boolean> CreateLocation(LocationKey key)
             var magic =  locationDAO.CreateLocation(key);

             return ProtectedDAOCall(magic);

        public Result<Boolean> ProtectedDAOCall(Func<..., bool> doSomething)
           List<Error> errorList = new List<Error>();
           Boolean result = null;
                result  = doSomething();
           }catch(UpdateException ue){
               //Error happened less pass this back to the user!
               errorList = ue.ErrorList;

           return new Result<Boolean>(result, errorList);

If there is any more information you may need let me know.

I am interested to see what someone else can come up with.

Marc solution applied to the code above

    public Result<Boolean> CreateLocation(LocationKey key)
        LocationDAO locationDAO = new LocationDAO();
        return WrapMethod(() => locationDAO.CreateLocation(key));

    public Result<Boolean> RemoveLocation(LocationKey key)
        LocationDAO locationDAO = new LocationDAO();
        return WrapMethod(() =>  locationDAO.RemoveLocation(key));

    static Result<T> WrapMethod<T>(Func<Result<T>> func)
            return func();
        catch (UpdateException ue)
            return new Result<T>(default(T), ue.Errors);


Something like:

public Result<Boolean> RemoveLocation(LocationKey key)
    return WrapMethod(() => locationDAO.RemoveLocation(key));
static Result<T> WrapMethod<T>(Func<T> func) {
        return new Result<T>(func());
    catch (SomeExceptionBase ex)
        return new Result<T>(ex.ErrorList);
    catch (Exception ex)
        return new Result<T>((List<Error>)null);

and (minimum shown)

class Result<T>
    private Result(bool isError, T value, List<Error> erors) { }
    public Result(T value) : this(false, value, null){ }
    public Result(List<Error> errors) : this(true, default(T), errors) { }
class SomeExceptionBase : Exception
    public List<Error> ErrorList { get; private set; }

(although if I had to do this I'd probably do something more interesting with exceptions that don't happen to be SomeExceptionBase)