C#算法 - 寻找最少数量的必要对象算法、必要、数量、对象

2023-09-11 22:41:49 作者:悲哀寸步不离


Let's say I have the following code.

var numberToGetTo = 60; 
var list = new[] {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};

我希望能够回到50安培; 10从列表中= 60。

I want to be able to return 50 & 10 from list to = 60.

如果该numberToGetTo 100我想回到50,50。

If the numberToGetTo was 100 I would want to return 50, 50.


If the numberToGetTo was 85 I would want to return 50, 40.


I want to return the least amount of numbers from the list necessary to get to the "numberToGetTo", while staying closest (equal or greather) than to it.


Is doing something like this with Linq possible?



This is an NP-complete problem called the knapsack problem. That means, that your best method is not going to be in polynomial time. You may have to brute-force a solution.