(重)使用std ::算法,非标容器非标、算法、容器、std

2023-09-11 02:13:49 作者:烟酒释情伤


struct MyColumnType { 
  // Data: Each row represents a member of an object.
  vector<double> a;   // All vectors are guaranteed to have always
  vector<string> b;   // the same length.
  vector<int> c;

  void copy(int from_pos, int to_pos); // The column type provides an interface
  void swap(int pos_a, int pos_b);     // for copying, swapping, ...

  void push_back();      // And for resizing the container.
  void pop_back();
  void insert(int pos);
  void remove(int pos);
  // The interface can be extended/modified if required


// If table is a constructed container with elements stored 
// To acces the members of the object stored at the 4th position:
table.a[4] = 4.0;
table.b[4] = "4th";
table.c[4] = 4;


Question: How can I create a standard-compliant random access iterator (and probably a required proxy reference type) for this kind of container?

我希望能够使用的std ::算法与我喜欢的类型,如随机访问迭代器排序(注:排序的比较将通过用户自定义的仿函数来提供,比如一个lambda)。

I want to be able to use std::algorithms for random access iterators with my type, e.g. sort (note: for sorting the comparison would be provided by an user-defined functor, e.g. a lambda).


In particular the iterator should provide an interface similar to

struct {
  double& a;
  string& b;
  int& c;

注意0: C ++ 11 / C ++ 14允许

Note 0: C++11/C++14 is allowed.

注意1:有一个古老的纸http://hci.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/vigra/documents/DataAccessors.ps其中,类似的尝试进行。不过,我一直没能得到他们的做法与排序工作。象缺省构造的要求是很难使用的是代理型的方法来满足(为什么的std ::排序要求类型为可缺省构造的,而不是交换超出了我的理解)。

Note 1: There is an old paper http://hci.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/vigra/documents/DataAccessors.ps where a similar attempt is undertaken. However, I haven't been able to get their approach working with sort. Requirements like defaultConstructible are hard to satisfy using a proxy type approach (why does std::sort require types to be default constructible instead of swappable is beyond my understanding).


Note 2: I cannot do the following:

struct MyType {
  double a;
  string b;
  int c;

std::vector<MyType> v;

然后用的std ::算法


Motivation: Performance. A cache-line is usually 64bytes, i.e. 8 doubles. In this simple struct if you iterate over the doubles, you are polluting a cache-line with a string an an int. In other cases, you might get only 1 double transfered per cache-line. That is, you end up using 1/8-th of the memory bandwith available. If you need to iterate over a couple of Gb of doubles, this simple decision improves your application performance by a factor of 6-7x. And no, I cannot give that up.

奖励:答案应该是尽可能地通用。想想添加/删除字段容器类型的添加/删除成员一个结构。你不希望发生很大的变化$ C $了C每次添加一个新成员。

Bonus: the answer should be as generic as possible. Think about adding/removing fields to the container type as adding/removing members to a struct. You don't want to change a lot of code every time you add a new member.


我觉得这样的事情可能是符合标准的。它使用了一些C ++ 11的特性来简化语法,但可能也被更改为符合C ++ 03 AFAIK。

I think something like this could be Standard-compliant. It uses some C++11 features to simplify the syntax, but could as well be changed to comply C++03 AFAIK.

测试和工程铿锵++ 3.2

Tested and works with clang++3.2


#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <utility>  // for std::swap
#include <iterator>

using std::vector;
using std::string;

// didn't want to insert all those types as nested classes of MyColumnType
namespace MyColumnType_iterator
    struct all_copy;
    struct all_reference;
    struct all_iterator;

// just provided `begin` and `end` member functions
struct MyColumnType {
    // Data: Each row represents a member of an object.
    vector<double> a;   // All vectors are guaranteed to have always
    vector<string> b;   // the same length.
    vector<int> c;

    void copy(int from_pos, int to_pos); // The column type provides an itface
    void swap(int pos_a, int pos_b);     // for copying, swapping, ...

    void push_back();      // And for resizing the container.
    void pop_back();
    void insert(int pos);
    void remove(int pos);
    // The interface can be extended/modified if required

    using iterator = MyColumnType_iterator::all_iterator;
    iterator begin();
    iterator end();

的迭代器类:一的value_type all_copy ),一个引用型( all_reference )和迭代器类型( all_iterator )。迭代通过保持和更新3迭代器完成(一至每个向量)。我不知道这是最高效的选择,虽然。

The iterator classes: a value_type (all_copy), a reference type (all_reference) and the iterator type (all_iterator). Iterating is done by keeping and updating three iterators (one to each vector). I don't know if that's the most performant option, though.

它是如何工作的:的std :: iterator_traits实现定义了一个iterator几个相关类型: [iterator.traits] / 1

How it works: std::iterator_traits defines several associated types for an iterator: [iterator.traits]/1

iterator_traits实现&LT;迭代器&GT; :: difference_type    iterator_traits实现&LT;迭代器&GT; :: value_type的    iterator_traits实现&LT;迭代器&GT; ::的iterator_category   分别定义为迭代器的差异型,价值型和迭代器类别。此外,该类型    iterator_traits实现&LT;迭代器&GT; ::引用    iterator_traits实现&LT;迭代器&GT; ::指针   应定义为迭代器的引用和指针类型,那就是,对于一个迭代器对象,类型相同的 *一个 A型 - &GT; ,分别为

iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type iterator_traits<Iterator>::iterator_category be defined as the iterator’s difference type, value type and iterator category, respectively. In addition, the types iterator_traits<Iterator>::reference iterator_traits<Iterator>::pointer shall be defined as the iterator’s reference and pointer types, that is, for an iterator object a, the same type as the type of *a and a->, respectively

因此​​,可以引入一个结构( all_reference )保持为引用三个引用键入。这种类型是 *一个,其中 A 的迭代器类型(可能常量 -qualified)。需要有一个不同的的value_type ,因为一些标准库算法,如排序可能要临时创建一个局部变量存储的值*一个(通过复制或移动到本地变量)。在这种情况下, all_copy 提供了此功能。

Therefore, you can introduce a struct (all_reference) keeping three references as reference type. This type is the return value of *a, where a is of the iterator type (possibly const-qualified). There needs to be a different value_type because some Standard Library algorithms such as sort might want to create a local variable temporarily storing the value of *a (by copy or move into the local variable). In this case, all_copy provides this functionality.

你不使用它需要的( all_copy )在你自己的循环,它可能会影响性能。

You're not required to use it (all_copy) in you own loops, where it could affect performance.

namespace MyColumnType_iterator
    struct all_copy;

    struct all_reference
        double& a;
        string& b;
        int& c;

        all_reference() = delete;
        // not required for std::sort, but stream output is simpler to write
        // with this
        all_reference(all_reference const&) = default;
        all_reference(double& pa, string& pb, int& pc)
            : a{pa}
            , b{pb}
            , c{pc}

        // MoveConstructible required for std::sort
        all_reference(all_reference&& other) = default;
        // MoveAssignable required for std::sort
        all_reference& operator= (all_reference&& other)
            a = std::move(other.a);
            b = std::move(other.b);
            c = std::move(other.c);

            return *this;

        // swappable required for std::sort
        friend void swap(all_reference p0, all_reference p1)
            std::swap(p0.a, p1.a);
            std::swap(p0.b, p1.b);
            std::swap(p0.c, p1.c);

        all_reference& operator= (all_copy const& p) = default;
        all_reference& operator= (all_copy&& p) = default;

        // strict total ordering required for std::sort
        friend bool operator< (all_reference const& lhs,
                               all_reference const& rhs);
        friend bool operator< (all_reference const& lhs, all_copy const& rhs);
        friend bool operator< (all_copy const& lhs, all_reference const& rhs);

    struct all_copy
        double a;
        string b;
        int c;

        all_copy(all_reference const& p)
            : a{p.a}
            , b{p.b}
            , c{p.c}
        all_copy(all_reference&& p)
            : a{ std::move(p.a) }
            , b{ std::move(p.b) }
            , c{ std::move(p.c) }

需要有一个比较函数的std ::排序。出于某种原因,我们必须提供所有三个。

There needs to be a comparison function for std::sort. For some reason we have to provide all three.

    bool operator< (all_reference const& lhs, all_reference const& rhs)
        return lhs.c < rhs.c;
    bool operator< (all_reference const& lhs, all_copy const& rhs)
        return lhs.c < rhs.c;
    bool operator< (all_copy const& lhs, all_reference const& rhs)
        return lhs.c < rhs.c;


    struct all_iterator
        : public std::iterator < std::random_access_iterator_tag, all_copy >
        //+ specific to implementation
            using ItA = std::vector<double>::iterator;
            using ItB = std::vector<std::string>::iterator;
            using ItC = std::vector<int>::iterator;
            ItA iA;
            ItB iB;
            ItC iC;

            all_iterator(ItA a, ItB b, ItC c)
                : iA(a)
                , iB(b)
                , iC(c)
        //- specific to implementation

        //+ for iterator_traits
            using reference = all_reference;
            using pointer = all_reference;
        //- for iterator_traits

        //+ iterator requirement [iterator.iterators]/1
            all_iterator(all_iterator const&) = default;            // CopyConstructible
            all_iterator& operator=(all_iterator const&) = default; // CopyAssignable
            ~all_iterator() = default;                              // Destructible

            void swap(all_iterator& other)                          // lvalues are swappable
                std::swap(iA, other.iA);
                std::swap(iB, other.iB);
                std::swap(iC, other.iC);
        //- iterator requirements [iterator.iterators]/1
        //+ iterator requirement [iterator.iterators]/2
            all_reference operator*()
                return {*iA, *iB, *iC};
            all_iterator& operator++()
                return *this;
        //- iterator requirement [iterator.iterators]/2

        //+ input iterator requirements [input.iterators]/1
            bool operator==(all_iterator const& other) const        // EqualityComparable
                return iA == other.iA;  // should be sufficient (?)
        //- input iterator requirements [input.iterators]/1
        //+ input iterator requirements [input.iterators]/2
            bool operator!=(all_iterator const& other) const        // "UnEqualityComparable"
                return iA != other.iA;  // should be sufficient (?)

            all_reference const operator*() const                   // *a
                return {*iA, *iB, *iC};

            all_reference operator->()                              // a->m
                return {*iA, *iB, *iC};
            all_reference const operator->() const                  // a->m
                return {*iA, *iB, *iC};

            // ++r already satisfied

            all_iterator operator++(int)                            // *++r
                all_iterator temp(*this);
                return temp;
        //- input iterator requirements [input.iterators]/2

        //+ output iterator requirements [output.iterators]/1
            // *r = o already satisfied
            // ++r already satisfied
            // r++ already satisfied
            // *r++ = o already satisfied
        //- output iterator requirements [output.iterators]/1

        //+ forward iterator requirements [forward.iterators]/1
            all_iterator() = default;                               // DefaultConstructible
            // r++ already satisfied
            // *r++ already satisfied
            // multi-pass must be guaranteed
        //- forward iterator requirements [forward.iterators]/1

        //+ bidirectional iterator requirements [bidirectional.iterators]/1
            all_iterator& operator--()                              // --r
                return *this;
            all_iterator operator--(int)                            // r--
                all_iterator temp(*this);
                return temp;
            // *r-- already satisfied
        //- bidirectional iterator requirements [bidirectional.iterators]/1

        //+ random access iterator requirements [random.access.iterators]/1
            all_iterator& operator+=(difference_type p)             // r += n
                iA += p;
                iB += p;
                iC += p;
                return *this;
            all_iterator operator+(difference_type p) const         // a + n
                all_iterator temp(*this);
                temp += p;
                return temp;
            // doesn't have to be a friend function, but this way,
            // we can define it here
            friend all_iterator operator+(difference_type p,
                                         all_iterator temp)         // n + a
                temp += p;
                return temp;

            all_iterator& operator-=(difference_type p)             // r -= n
                iA -= p;
                iB -= p;
                iC -= p;
                return *this;
            all_iterator operator-(difference_type p) const         // a - n
                all_iterator temp(*this);
                temp -= p;
                return temp;

            difference_type operator-(all_iterator const& p)        // b - a
                return iA - p.iA;   // should be sufficient (?)

            all_reference operator[](difference_type p)             // a[n]
                return *(*this + p);
            all_reference const operator[](difference_type p) const // a[n]
                return *(*this + p);

            bool operator<(all_iterator const& p) const             // a < b
                return iA < p.iA;   // should be sufficient (?)
            bool operator>(all_iterator const& p) const             // a > b
                return iA > p.iA;   // should be sufficient (?)
            bool operator>=(all_iterator const& p) const            // a >= b
                return iA >= p.iA;  // should be sufficient (?)
            bool operator<=(all_iterator const& p) const            // a >= b
                return iA <= p.iA;  // should be sufficient (?)
        //- random access iterator requirements [random.access.iterators]/1
}//- namespace MyColumnType_iterator

MyColumnType::iterator MyColumnType::begin()
    return { a.begin(), b.begin(), c.begin() };
MyColumnType::iterator MyColumnType::end()
    return { a.end(), b.end(), c.end() };


#include <iostream>
#include <cstddef>
#include <algorithm>

namespace MyColumnType_iterator
    template < typename char_type, typename char_traits >
    std::basic_ostream < char_type, char_traits >&
    operator<< (std::basic_ostream < char_type, char_traits >& o,
                std::iterator_traits<MyColumnType::iterator>::reference p)
        return o << p.a << ";" << p.b << ";" << p.c;

int main()
    using std::cout;

    MyColumnType mct =
          {1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1}
        , {"j", "i", "h", "g", "f", "e", "d", "c", "b", "a"}
        , {10,    9,   8,   7,   6,   5,   4,   3,   2,   1}

    using ref = std::iterator_traits<MyColumnType::iterator>::reference;
    std::copy(mct.begin(), mct.end(), std::ostream_iterator<ref>(cout, ", "));
    std::cout << std::endl;

    std::sort(mct.begin(), mct.end());
    std::copy(mct.begin(), mct.end(), std::ostream_iterator<ref>(cout, ", "));
    std::cout << std::endl;


1; D]; 10,0.9;我; 9,0.8; H; 8,0.7克; 7,0.6; F; 6,0.5,E,5,0.4,D,4,0.3; C:3 ,0.2; B; 2,0.1;一个; 1,   0.1; A 1,0.2; B; 2,0.3,C,3,0.4,D,4,0.5,E,5,0.6; F; 6,0.7克; 7,0.8; H; 8,0.9;我; 9,1; D]; 10,

1;j;10, 0.9;i;9, 0.8;h;8, 0.7;g;7, 0.6;f;6, 0.5;e;5, 0.4;d;4, 0.3;c;3, 0.2;b;2, 0.1;a;1, 0.1;a;1, 0.2;b;2, 0.3;c;3, 0.4;d;4, 0.5;e;5, 0.6;f;6, 0.7;g;7, 0.8;h;8, 0.9;i;9, 1;j;10,