
2023-09-11 00:30:44 作者:非主流四字设计:你很欠吻


For a square grid the euclidean distance between tile A and B is:

distance = sqrt(sqr(x1-x2)) + sqr(y1-y2))


For an actor constrained to move along a square grid, the Manhattan Distance is a better measure of actual distance we must travel:

manhattanDistance = abs(x1-x2) + abs(y1-y2))


How do I get the manhattan distance between two tiles in a hexagonal grid as illustrated with the red and blue lines below?


我曾经成立了一个六边形坐标系中的一场比赛,这样的的是的轴是在一个60度角 X 轴。这避免了奇数偶数行区别。

I once set up a hexagonal coordinate system in a game so that the y-axis was at a 60-degree angle to the x-axis. This avoids the odd-even row distinction.


The distance in this coordinate system is:

dx = x1 - x0
dy = y1 - y0

if sign(dx) == sign(dy)
    abs(dx + dy)
    max(abs(dx), abs(dy))

您可以转换( X 的',的是的),从你的坐标系( X 的是的)这一次使用:

You can convert (x', y) from your coordinate system to (x, y) in this one using:

x = x' - floor(y/2)

所以 DX 变为:

dx = x1' - x0' - floor(y1/2) + floor(y0/2)

仔细实现此使用整数除法时,四舍五入。在C语言中的 INT是 楼(Y / 2)(Y%2?ÿ -1:Y)/ 2