
2023-09-11 02:00:05 作者:心冷致命 ;

我的目标是找到资金来给定的总所有可能的组合。 例如,如果阵列是    2 59 3 43 5 9 8 62 10 4,如果总为12,则可能的组合

  2 10
3 9
8 4
5 3 4


  INT find_numbers_matching_sum(INT * number_coll,诠释总计)

    INT * search_till = LOWER_BOUND(number_coll,number_coll + TOTAL_SIZE,总计);
    INT位置= search_till  -  number_coll;
    如果(* search_till个总与功放;&安培;地点> 0)
         - 位置;

    而(地点> = 0)
         - 位置;

INT find_totals(INT * number_coll,诠释总,INT END_LOCATION)
    INT left_ones =总 -  number_coll [END_LOCATION]
    INT curloc = END_LOCATION;
    INT * search_till = 0;
    诠释all_numbers [10];
    INT I = 0;

    all_numbers [i] = number_coll [END_LOCATION]
    而(left_ones&安培;&安培; curloc> = 0)
        sea​​rch_till = LOWER_BOUND(number_coll,number_coll + END_LOCATION,left_ones);
        位置= search_till  -  number_coll;
        如果(* search_till> left_ones和放大器;&安培;地点> 0)
             - 位置;
        否则,如果(left_ones< * search_till)
        curloc =位置;
        left_ones = left_ones  -  number_coll [curloc]
        all_numbers [++ i] = number_coll [curloc]
        END_LOCATION = curloc  -  1;

        而(ⅰ> = 0)
            COUT<< all_numbers [我 - ]<< '';
    COUT<< ENDL;





            COUT<< ''<<伏;
        } 其他 {
            COUT<< ENDL;
    国家(INT _V,常量状态和放大器; _rest):V(_V),休息(安培; _rest){}

无效SS(INT * I​​P,为int *年底,INT目标,常量状态和放大器状态){
    如果(目标℃下)返回; //假设我们不允许任何底片
    如果(IP ==端和放大器;&安培;目标== 0){
    如果(IP ==完)
        SS(IP + 1,最后,目标,状态);
        INT第一= * IP;
        SS(IP + 1,最后,靶 - 第一,国家(第一,状态));

    诠释一个[] = {2,59,3,43,5,9,8,62,10,4};
    INT *开始=&放大器;一个[0];
    INT *结束=启动+的sizeof(A)/的sizeof(A [0]);
LeetCode刷题 四 数组 easy部分 Java C

My goal here is to find all possible combinations that sums to a given total. For example, if the array is 2 59 3 43 5 9 8 62 10 4 and if the total is 12, then possible combinations are

2 10
3 9
8 4
5 3 4

Here is the first set of code, that I've written. Wondering the best improvements that can be done on this.

   int find_numbers_matching_sum(int *number_coll, int total)

    int *search_till = lower_bound(number_coll,number_coll+TOTAL_SIZE, total);
    int location = search_till - number_coll;
    if (*search_till > total && location > 0 )

    while ( location >= 0 )
    return 1;

int find_totals(int *number_coll, int total, int end_location)
    int left_ones = total - number_coll[end_location];
    int curloc = end_location;
    int *search_till = 0;
    int location ;
    int all_numbers[10];
    int i = 0;

    all_numbers[i] = number_coll[end_location];
    while ( left_ones && curloc >= 0 )
        search_till = lower_bound(number_coll,number_coll+end_location, left_ones);
        location = search_till - number_coll;
        if (*search_till > left_ones && location > 0 )
        else if ( left_ones < *search_till )
        left_ones = left_ones - number_coll[curloc];
        all_numbers[++i] = number_coll[curloc];
        end_location = curloc - 1;

    if ( !left_ones )
        while ( i>=0)
            cout << all_numbers[i--] << ' ';
    cout << endl;
    return 1;



#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

struct State {
    int v;
    const State *rest;
    void dump() const {
        if(rest) {
            cout << ' ' << v;
        } else {
            cout << endl;
    State() : v(0), rest(0) {}
    State(int _v, const State &_rest) : v(_v), rest(&_rest) {}

void ss(int *ip, int *end, int target, const State &state) {
    if(target < 0) return; // assuming we don't allow any negatives
    if(ip==end && target==0) {
    { // without the first one
        ss(ip+1, end, target, state);
    { // with the first one
        int first = *ip;
        ss(ip+1, end, target-first, State(first, state));

int main() {
    int a[] = { 2,59,3,43,5,9,8,62,10,4 };
    int * start = &a[0];
    int * end = start + sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);
    ss(start, end, 12, State());