
2023-09-11 00:03:15 作者:爱是含笑饮砒霜

由于数组 ARR = {5,16,4,7} ,我们可以通过排序排序(ARR,编曲+的sizeof( ARR)/ sizeof的(ARR [0]))。 所以现在的阵 ARR = {4,5,7,16} 并为有序阵列的排列指数 {2,0,3, 1} 。 换句话说,在改编[2] 原始数组中现在是排序数组中的位置在最小的元素 0

Given an array arr = {5, 16, 4, 7}, we can sort it through sort(arr, arr+sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0])). so now the array arr = {4, 5, 7, 16} and the permutation index for the sorted array is {2, 0, 3, 1}. In other words, the arr[2] in the original array is now the smallest element in the sorted array in position 0.


Is there an efficient way so that we can get the permutation index?



创建索引的数组,以数字0..N-1填充,并使用自定义比较排序。比较应比较原始数组项目的索引 LHS RHS 。分类索引数组这种方式重新排列它们作为置换:

Create an array of indexes, fill it with numbers 0..N-1, and sort it using a custom comparator. The comparator should compare items from the original array at indexes lhs and rhs. Sorting the array of indexes this way reorders them as a permutation:

vector<int> data = {5, 16, 4, 7};   
vector<int> index(data.size(), 0);
for (int i = 0 ; i != index.size() ; i++) {
    index[i] = i;
sort(index.begin(), index.end(),
    [&](const int& a, const int& b) {
        return (data[a] < data[b]);
for (int i = 0 ; i != index.size() ; i++) {
    cout << index[i] << endl;

这版画 2,0,3,1

下面是ideone 一个演示。

Here is a demo on ideone.


Note: you can use index to retrieve the data in sorted order:

for (int i = 0 ; i != index.size() ; i++) {
    cout << data[index[i]] << endl;