
2023-09-10 23:56:40 作者:挽梦亦清歌

我一直在寻找一个实现(我使用 networkx 库),将发现所有的最小生成树( MST)无向加权图的。

I've been looking for an implementation (I'm using networkx library.) that will find all the minimum spanning trees (MST) of an undirected weighted graph.


I can only find implementations for Kruskal's Algorithm and Prim's Algorithm both of which will only return a single MST.


I've seen papers that address this problem (such as Representing all minimum spanning trees with applications to counting and generation) but my head tends to explode someway through trying to think how to translate it to code.


In fact i've not been able to find an implementation in any language!



Rubys gives a good general answer. But writing efficient code to generate all spanning trees of a graph is a beast of a challenge.


Half way down this page, at around Dec 2003, you'll find an CWEB implementation of Knuth's algorithm that finds all spanning trees of a given graph.