
2023-09-10 23:52:03 作者:在你葬礼前放DJ


I need to build a function drawing gridline on the canvas in WPF:

void DrawGridLine(double startX, double startY, double stepX, double stepY, 
                  double slop, double width, double height)
    // How to implement draw gridline here?


How would I go about this?



You don't really have to "draw" anything with WPF. If you want to draw lines, use the appropriate geometries to draw them.

在你的情况下,它可能真的很简单。你只是画一个网格,使你可以只创建一个 DrawingBrush 来绘制一个方格和瓷砖它填补了休息。要绘制的瓷砖,你可以把它看作绘制X的。所以,有一个 20×10 瓦(相当于 stepX stepY ):

In your case it could be simple really. You're just drawing a grid so you could just create a DrawingBrush to draw a single grid square and tile it to fill in the rest. To draw your tile, you could think of it as drawing X's. So to have a 20x10 tile (which corresponds to stepX and stepY):


(p.s., the slope slop is redundant since you already have the horizontal and vertical step sizes)

<DrawingBrush x:Key="GridTile" Stretch="None" TileMode="Tile"
              Viewport="0,0 20,10" ViewportUnits="Absolute">
                  <!-- ^^^^^^^^^^^ set the size of the tile-->
                <!-- draw a single X -->
                    <!-- top-left to bottom-right -->
                    <LineGeometry StartPoint="0,0" EndPoint="20,10" />

                    <!-- bottom-left to top-right -->
                    <LineGeometry StartPoint="0,10" EndPoint="20,0" />
                <!-- set color and thickness of lines -->
                <Pen Thickness="1" Brush="Black" />

这需要绘制线条的照顾。我们能够利用他们在您的网格从边缘偏移,你需要有,你画一个矩形所需尺寸又刷,充满了你的瓷砖。因此,为了有一个起始位置(30,45)(对应于 STARTX startY )的宽度高度 130x120

That takes care of drawing the lines. Now to be able to draw them offset in your grid from the edges, you need to have another brush where you draw a rectangle with the desired dimensions, filled with your tiles. So to have a starting position of (30, 45) (corresponding to startX and startY) with the width and height, 130x120:

<DrawingBrush x:Key="OffsetGrid" Stretch="None" AlignmentX="Left" AlignmentY="Top">
        <!-- set the left and top offsets -->
        <TranslateTransform X="30" Y="45" />
        <GeometryDrawing Brush="{StaticResource GridTile}" >
                <!-- set the width and height filled with the tile from the origin -->
                <RectangleGeometry Rect="0,0 130,120" />


Then finally to use it, just set it as the background of your grid (or other panel):

<Grid Background="{StaticResource OffsetGrid}">
    <!-- ... -->


Here's how it ends up looking like:


If you want to generate the brush dynamically, here's an equivalent function based on the above XAML:

static Brush CreateGridBrush(Rect bounds, Size tileSize)
    var gridColor = Brushes.Black;
    var gridThickness = 1.0;
    var tileRect = new Rect(tileSize);

    var gridTile = new DrawingBrush
        Stretch = Stretch.None,
        TileMode = TileMode.Tile,
        Viewport = tileRect,
        ViewportUnits = BrushMappingMode.Absolute,
        Drawing = new GeometryDrawing
            Pen = new Pen(gridColor, gridThickness),
            Geometry = new GeometryGroup
                Children = new GeometryCollection
                    new LineGeometry(tileRect.TopLeft, tileRect.BottomRight),
                    new LineGeometry(tileRect.BottomLeft, tileRect.TopRight)

    var offsetGrid = new DrawingBrush
        Stretch = Stretch.None,
        AlignmentX = AlignmentX.Left,
        AlignmentY = AlignmentY.Top,
        Transform = new TranslateTransform(bounds.Left, bounds.Top),
        Drawing = new GeometryDrawing
            Geometry = new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(bounds.Size)),
            Brush = gridTile

    return offsetGrid;