
2023-09-10 23:50:41 作者:与往事干杯


I'm very new to Haskell, and I have a question about what performance improvements can be had by using impure (mutable) data structures. I'm trying to piece together a few different things I've heard, so please bear with me if my terminology is not entirely correct, or if there are some small errors.


To make this concrete, consider the quicksort algorithm (taken from the Haskell wiki).

quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
quicksort []     = []
quicksort (p:xs) = (quicksort lesser) ++ [p] ++ (quicksort greater)
        lesser  = filter (< p) xs
        greater = filter (>= p) xs


This is not "true quicksort." A "true" quicksort algorithm is in-place, and this is not. This is very memory inefficient.


On the other hand, it is possible to use vectors in Haskell to implement an in-place quicksort. An example is given in this stackoverflow answer.


How much faster is the second algorithm than the first? Big O notation doesn't help here, because the performance improvement is going to be from using memory more efficiently, not having a better algorithm (right?). I tired to construct some test cases on my own, but I had difficult getting things running.


An ideal answer would give some idea of what makes the in-place Haskell algorithm faster theoretically, and an example comparison of running times on some test data set.


没有什么比一个测试没有好,对不对?其结果是这点毫不奇怪:随机整数的范围 [0 ..百万]

There's nothing better than a test, right? And the results are not unsurprising: for lists of random integers in range [0 .. 1000000],

list size: 200000         ghc              -O2     -fllvm  -fllvm-O2
────────                   ────────   ────────   ────────   ────────
Data.List.sort            0.878969s  0.883219s  0.878106s  0.888758s
Naïve.quicksort           0.711305s  0.870647s  0.845508s  0.919925s
UArray_IO.quicksort       9.317783s  1.919583s  9.390687s  1.945072s
Vector_Mutable.quicksort   1.48142s  0.823004s  1.526661s  0.806837s

下面, Data.List.sort 只是它是什么,Naïve.quicksort的算法,你引述, UArray_IO.quicksort Vector_Mutable.quicksort 从您链接到的问题采取:的