
2023-09-10 23:41:24 作者:你是我抓不住的梦


I'm generating a sort of tunnel that you can fly through, in a 2D screen. I want the walls to smoothly move from left to right randomly. Right now I just end up with "spikes".



我用$ C $下看起来像这样的墙壁,四十次,每次左右。

I'm using code for the walls that looks like this, forty times each left and right.

if (Left1.center.y > 568) {
    RandomPosition = arc4random() %55;
    Left1.center = CGPointMake(RandomPosition, 0);
    RandomPosition = RandomPosition + 265;
    Right1.center = CGPointMake(RandomPosition, 0);


RandomPosition = arc4random() %55;
Left1.center = CGPointMake(RandomPosition, 0);
RandomPosition = RandomPosition + 265;
Right1.center = CGPointMake(RandomPosition, 0);


but it doesnt really move the walls the way I want.



What you're looking for is called "correlated" random number generation.

一个产生这些数字的最流行的方式被称为 Perlin杂< /一>,这可能是太复杂了您的需求。

One of the most popular ways of generating such numbers is called Perlin noise, which may be too complicated for your needs.


The simplest thing to do in your case would be to keep track of the last wall position, and generate a random offset from that, instead of the number generator being used for the bare value of the wall. This is known as a "random" or "drunken" walk.


To keep the tunnel's width the same, randomly pick only the left wall's end point, then put the right wall's end the correct distance away.

CGFloat leftWallX = /* starting value */;
for( int i = 0; i < NUM_WALLS; i++ ){
    // Generate a number from -MAX_OFFSET to MAX_OFFSET
    CGFloat offset = (CGFloat)arc4random_uniform(2*MAX_OFFSET) - MAX_OFFSET;
    leftWallX += offset;
    rightWallX = leftWallX + tunnelWidth;