
2023-09-10 23:16:18 作者:萌仔= ̄ω ̄=



I have been trying to work out how to select say 15 tickets within a single block of seats.

修改:?问题是 - 如何找到给定尺寸的所有的矩形(说3×例如)的可用座位

EDIT: the problem is - how to find all rectangles of given dimensions (say 3x5 for example) of free seats?


The below is my table, and the query selects 4 consecutive seats (or 15 or whatever) which is fine...


But what I want to do is select say 15 seats, these may be split over multiple rows, i.e. 3 x 5, but I would want them to be blocked together i.e.

row 9 ..(some seats)..[5 seats]..(some seats)..
row 8 ..(some seats)..[5 seats]..(some seats)..
row 7 ..(some seats)..[5 seats]..(some seats)..

即。它们将是所有在彼此的前面3行。 row9座位10至25日,row8席10至25日,row7席10至25。

I.e. they would be 3 rows all in front of each other. row9 seats 10 to 25, row8 seats 10 to 25, row7 seats 10 to 25.


Also may need to consider if a block of seats have varying number of seats i.e. a corner block may be in an arc to has more seats at the back than the front.

在ehnaceing的SQL或某种算法或一些PHP code形式的任何指导。我一直令人头大我的大脑大部分的一周了。

Any guidance in form of ehnaceing the SQL or some algorithm or some PHP code. I have been wracking my brain for most of the week now.

CREATE TABLE `seats` (
  `event_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `performance` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `block` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `row` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `seat` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `status` int(10) DEFAULT 1,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

我查询最新 - 返回第X个座位块的组合

My query to-date - which returns combinations of blocks of X seats.

SELECT    a.event_id, a.performance, a.block,
          a.row, a.seat AS start_seat,
          a.seat + (4 - 1) AS end_seat,
          4 AS requested_seats,
          a.id AS start_allocation_id
FROM      seats a
          LEFT JOIN seats b ON
              a.event_id = b.event_id AND
              a.performance = b.performance AND
              a.block = b.block AND
              a.row = b.row AND
              a.seat < b.seat AND
              b.seat < a.seat + 4 AND
              b.status = 1
WHERE     a.status = 1 AND
          a.event_id = 1
GROUP BY  a.seat
HAVING COUNT(b.seat) + 1 = 4
ORDER BY performance


Thanks in advance, need more info please just ask!



This problem is much better solved outside mysql, in another language. In other words, you have a matrix of seats, some of which are occupied (grey ones):

和你想的找到给定尺寸的所有的矩形,说3x5的。您可以通过二传这样做非常有效的线性 O(N)时间算法(n为座位数):

and you want to find all rectangles of given dimensions, say 3x5. You can do this very efficiently by two pass linear O(n) time algorithm (n being number of seats):


1) in a first pass, go by columns, from bottom to top, and for each seat, denote the number of consecutive seats available up to this one:




so, finally, you get:


which yields the solution: these number sequences (green areas) are top edges of the 2 possible rectangles 3x5 of free seats.

的算法可以容易地提高到例如获得最大区域所有的矩形。或者,它可以用来寻找任何连续的区域(不仅长方形状)N个席位 - 只是,第二遍时,寻找数字连续序列总计为至少N

The algorithm could be easily enhanced to e.g. get all rectangles with maximum area. Or, it could be used to find any continuous regions (not only rectangle-shaped) of N seats - just, during the second pass, look for continuous sequence of numbers which sums up to at least N.
