
2023-09-10 23:16:10 作者:缠绵勾画


I'm looking for an algorithm that rotates an image by some degrees (input).

public Image rotateImage(Image image, int degrees)

(图片实例可以替换为int []包含每个像素的RGB值, 我的问题是,我需要实现它的JavaME的MIDP 2.0的项目,所以我必须使用code可运行在JVM之前的1.5版 谁能帮我这个?

(Image instances could be replaced with int[] containing each pixel RGB values, My problem is that i need to implement it for a JavaME MIDP 2.0 project so i must use code runnable on JVM prior to version 1.5 Can anyone help me out with this ?

编辑:我忘了,更不用说我没有可用的SVG api和我需要一种方法,通过任意的程度比其他90旋转 - 180- 270

I forgot to mention that i don't have SVG APIs available and that i need a method to rotate by arbitrary degree other than 90 - 180- 270

此外,没有java.awt中。*包可在MIDP 2.0

Also, no java.awt.* packages are available on MIDP 2.0



One of the best pages describing image rotation algorithms I've found on the internet is tied to Dan Bloomberg's excellent leptonica library. While the leptonica library itself is written in C and won't help you, his page on image rotation algorithms:



is definitely worth a read. You will most likely want to implement something like the Rotation by Area Mapping algorithm he describes in the second portion of the page.