
2023-09-10 22:29:07 作者:方丈,麻烦给我剃个头


The famous Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm can be used to randomly permute an array A of length N:

For k = 1 to N
    Pick a random integer j from k to N
    Swap A[k] and A[j]


A common mistake that I've been told over and over again not to make is this:

For k = 1 to N
    Pick a random integer j from 1 to N
    Swap A[k] and A[j]


That is, instead of picking a random integer from k to N, you pick a random integer from 1 to N.


What happens if you make this mistake? I know that the resulting permutation isn't uniformly distributed, but I don't know what guarantees there are on what the resulting distribution will be. In particular, does anyone have an expression for the probability distributions over the final positions of the elements?




Let's implement the erroneous algorithm in Mathematica:

p = 10; (* Range *)
s = {}
For[l = 1, l <= 30000, l++, (*Iterations*)
   a = Range[p];
   For[k = 1, k <= p, k++, 
     i = RandomInteger[{1, p}];
     temp = a[[k]];
     a[[k]] = a[[i]];
     a[[i]] = temp
   AppendTo[s, a];


Now get the number of times each integer is in each position:

r = SortBy[#, #[[1]] &] & /@ Tally /@ Transpose[s]  


Let's take three positions in the resulting arrays and plot the frequency distribution for each integer in that position:


For position 1 the freq distribution is:




and here you have the distribution for all positions plotted together:


Here you have a better statistics over 8 positions:


对于所有位置的概率 1是相同的(1 / n)中。 的概率矩阵是对称的 相对于大反角 因此,对于任意数量的过去的概率 位置也是一致的(1 / N) For all positions the probability of "1" is the same (1/n). The probability matrix is symmetrical with respect to the big anti-diagonal So, the probability for any number in the last position is also uniform (1/n)


You may visualize those properties looking at the starting of all lines from the same point (first property) and the last horizontal line (third property).


The second property can be seen from the following matrix representation example, where the rows are the positions, the columns are the occupant number, and the color represents the experimental probability:


For a 100x100 matrix:


只是为了好玩,我计算了第二个对角元素的精确公式(第一个是1 / N)。其余的都可以做,但它是一个大量的工作。

Just for fun, I calculated the exact formula for the second diagonal element (the first is 1/n). The rest can be done, but it's a lot of work.

h[n_] := (n-1)/n^2 + (n-1)^(n-2) n^(-n)

从n个验证= 3〜6个值({8/27,第57/256号决议,三千一百二十五分之五百六十四,四万六千六百五十六分之七千一百○五})

Values verified from n=3 to 6 ( {8/27, 57/256, 564/3125, 7105/46656} )



Working out a little the general explicit calculation in @wnoise answer, we can get a little more info.

更换的1 / n用p [n]的,所以计算保持未计算,我们得到例如用于矩阵,其中n = 7的第一部分(点击以看到一个更大的图片):

Replacing 1/n by p[n], so the calculations are hold unevaluated, we get for example for the first part of the matrix with n=7 (click to see a bigger image):


Which, after comparing with results for other values of n, let us identify some known integer sequences in the matrix:

{{  1/n,    1/n      , ...},
 {... .., A007318, ....},
 {... .., ... ..., ..},
 ... ....,
 {A129687, ... ... ... ... ... ... ..},
 {A131084, A028326 ... ... ... ... ..},
 {A028326, A131084 , A129687 ... ....}}

您可能会发现,在美妙的 http://oeis.org/

You may find those sequences (in some cases with different signs) in the wonderful http://oeis.org/


Solving the general problem is more difficult, but I hope this is a start
