
2023-09-10 22:10:28 作者:沐白


Is there a way to call a JS or jQuery function afterwards a PrimeFaces dataGrid has switched between pages and the data content has changed? I have to set a jQuery function for items that are shown on a data grid, since the items are shown page by page, i have to re-attach this jQuery function to the new items that are shown. Have tried the following with no success;

//way #1 - call ajax on complete/ on success after a page link has been clicked
$('.ui-paginator').click(function(e) {
                    success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
                    complete: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {

//way #2 - after the content of the data grid has changed, call the function 

$('.ui-datagrid-content').ajaxComplete(function() {
   alert("changed outside");


The result I'm getting is that the alerts are beeing called (so, the function is attached) but always before the content on the dataGrid is changed, I thought of using a timeout, but this is not the desired approach.

我使用PF 5.0。



You can use an ajax page event:

   <p:ajax event="page" onstart="alert("ajax started");"
                        onsuccess="alert("ajax success");"
                        oncomplete="alert("ajax completed");" />