
2023-09-10 22:08:22 作者:混世小仙女

我想落实写在C#,ASP.net电子商务网站lazyload.js。 我管理的(来自社会的帮助下,顺便感谢)正确设置列出插件的产品,但我也有一个活的搜索框,它通过AJAX .load加载从.apsx页的清单()方法。 现在的问题是延迟加载不会在容器结果工作。我已经试过所有的设置,但仍然没有运气。从巫婆我加载结果容器的结果页面已经延迟加载和执行工作,但在我的AJAX装载集装箱的图像就是不更换。

I'm trying to implement lazyload.js on an e-commerce website written in C#, ASP.net. I managed (with help from the community, thanks by the way) to correctly set up the plugin for the product listing but I also have a "live search box" that loads the listings from a .apsx page via ajax .load() method. The problem is lazy load won't work in the results container. I've tried every setting but still no luck. The result page from witch I load the results container has lazy load implemented and works, but in my ajax loaded container the images just don't replace.


This is the code to load the search results (#srs is the container holding the product listing on the search page):

var uType=$(this).val();
uType=uType.replace(/\ /g, '%20');
var myLength = $(this).val().length;
var url="SearchLive.aspx?SearchTerm=";
var div="#srs";
    $("#search-results").load(url+uType+' '+div);
    setTimeout( "$('.searchbox-spinner').fadeOut();",1000 );


This is the code to generate the images to be lazy loaded:

<asp:Image ID="imagePath" class="lazy" height="100px"  data-original='<%#Utilities.GetImageUrl(DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.FullImagePath").ToString(), true)%>' src="http://placehold.it/100x100" runat="server" AlternateText='<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Name")%>' />

我已经尝试了一些东西,但没能突破低谷。 请帮助...

I've tried some stuff but didn't manage to break trough. Please help...





at the end of my load() function.


So, if lazy load missbehaves when used in a container that is not part of the page (aka a absolute or fixed positioned container that has a scroll of its own and doesn't trigger the lazy loading on images on scroll), you can manually trigger it by initilalising the lazy load plugin inside the container's scroll function.
