
2023-09-10 22:08:14 作者:氣質迷倒尼瑪


I'm using knockout with the mapping plugin so that I can write code like this:

function ContactViewModel() {
    //other properties...
    this.emails = ko.observableArray();

function ContactEmailViewModel() {
    //other properties...
    this.address = ko.observable();

var koContactMap = {
    'emails': {
        create: function (options) {
                    return new ContactEmailViewModel(options.data);

var model = new ContactViewModel();
ko.mapping.fromJS([JSON data from web service], koContactMap, model);


In English, I have contacts and emails, and a contact has emails.

这完美的作品,我可以加载了接触,并在数据和电子邮件填充和电子邮件的类型为 ContactEmailViewModel ,因为我想要的。

This works perfectly, and I can load the contact and have the data and emails populated, and the emails are of type ContactEmailViewModel, as I want.


But the thing I'm confused about is: why does the map create method return a singular email object instead of a collection of email objects. The emails property is a collection, but seems to be populated by returning a single object, and is called multiple times, once for each member.

这正确填充电子邮件属性。但现在我想改变电子邮件从数组的 EmailsList 对象,这样我就可以给它的方法,和我看不出如何做到这一点,因为创建方法返回单个电子邮件,而不是整个邮件属性。

This correctly populates the emails property. But now I want to change emails from an array to an EmailsList object, so that I can give it methods, and I can't see how to do this, since the create method returns individual emails, not the whole emails property.



For that behaviour you can add ignore on the emails propery and let the mapping plugin serperate map the emails into a standar array that you feed the EmailsList constructor with.

var emailMapping = {
   create: function(opt) {
      return new Email(opt.data);

this.emails = new EmailList(ko.mapping.fromJS(arr, emailMapping));


Hmm, you could also extend a custom class with a observableArray I think (havent tested) that ko.mapping will then just add emails to your EmailList like

this.emails = new EmailList(); //This is is a ko.observableArray the mapping plugin will populate it with emails
ko.mapping.fromJS(data, mappingInfo, this);



update: I just confirmed that solution two worked, so I would say thats a good way of doing it


//stolen from ko source
function setPrototypeOf(obj, proto) {
        obj.__proto__ = proto;
        return obj;

ko.MyList = function(arr) {
    var result = ko.observableArray(arr);
    return setPrototypeOf(result, ko.MyList.fn);

ko.MyList.fn = {
    pushMyThingy: function(obj) {