通过AJAX jQuery的手风琴装手风琴、AJAX、jQuery

2023-09-10 20:52:43 作者:你的血腥味


I've got an accordion in the container:

<div id="address_results"></div>

现在我通过的 AJAX 拨打填写在 HTML (手风琴)。它工作正常,但只有第一个 AJAX 通话。到了第二个,第三个,等电话,手风琴的动画不能正常工作。

Now I fill in the html (an accordion) via an ajax call. It works fine but only by the first ajax call. By the second, third, etc. call, the animation of the accordion doesn't work.

// Ajax request
        $(this).submit(function() {
            var postal = $(o.postalDiv).val();

            $.getJSON(o.url,{ action: o.action, id: o.id, postal: postal } , function(json) {
                var result = json.content;
                var addresses = result['addresses'];
                var strXML = result['xml'];


            return false;

        // Ajax request success
        function outputHtml(addresses) {


            // Generate the accordion

                autoHeight: false,
                active: false,
                collapsible: true

当我删除/追加 DIV 之前,我填的是手风琴:

When I remove/append the div before I fill in the accordion:

$('#reswrapper').append('<div id="address_results"></div>');


then it works fine. But this can be the right way?

(对不起我的英语水平,是不是我的母语) 谢谢!

(sorry my English, is not my native language) thanks!



The following line doesn't work, because by the first ajax call the accordion isn't exists.



The solution is to check if the accordion already exists:

 if ($(o.resultsDiv).hasClass('ui-accordion')) {


The whole Solution:

    (function ($) {

    $.fn.address = function (options) {
        var defaults = {
            url:           '/ajax.php',
            action:        'fmd',
            id:             0,
            resultsDiv:    '#address_results',
            postalDiv:     '#address_postal'
        var o = $.extend(defaults,options);

        // Ajax request
        $(this).submit(function() {
            var postal = $(o.postalDiv).val();

            $.getJSON(o.url,{ action: o.action, id: o.id, postal: postal } , function(json) {
                var result = json.content;
                var addresses = result['addresses'];
                var strXML = result['xml'];


            return false;

        // Ajax request success
        function outputHtml(addresses) {


            // Check if the accordion already exist. if so destroy it
            if ($(o.resultsDiv).hasClass('ui-accordion')) {

            // Generate the accordion
                autoHeight: false,
                active: false,
                collapsible: true

