
2023-09-10 20:43:46 作者:我若不死,尔等永远都是妃


So I have an ajax call to bring down several dozen chunks of data all several megabytes in size, afterward storing the data locally via the html5 filesystem api.

我想prevent用户从页面导航离开阿贾克斯电话都是做过。我决定去探索 onbeforeunload的事件,把它通知用户应该留在页面上,直到Ajax调用完成。我设置了AJAX调用之前和之后在AJAX的结束/成功叫我重置 window.onbeforeunload

I wanted to prevent the user from navigating away from the page before the ajax calls were done. I decided to explore the onbeforeunload event, to have it notify that the user should stay on the page until the ajax calls are complete. I set the following before the AJAX call and at the end/success of the AJAX call I reset the window.onbeforeunload.

window.onbeforeunload = function(){
    return "Information is still downloading, navigating away from or closing "+ 
        "this page will stop the download of data";


When I attempted to close the page or navigate away from the page, the pop-up message comes up as expected informing the user to stay. However, once I confirm that I want to stay on the page, the ajax calls do not resume where they left off. Is there a way to prevent the ajax calls from pausing/stopping or to continue on/restart with their executions?


I'm open to any ideas to implement desired functionality described in the title of this post.


pretty的肯定,你可以在创建一个全球性的的.js 文件中像...

Pretty sure you can create a global in the .js file like...



Then assign your ajax call to this variable.

request = $.ajax{

现在你的 window.unbeforeunload 函数中,添加此条件语句。

Now inside your window.unbeforeunload function, add this conditional statement.

window.onbeforeunload = function(){
    return "Request not initiated";
    //Request is in progress...
    //You can use request.abort() if you need

编辑:要在一些你可以在要求对象的看看这个页面。 (例如, .done 或永远可能适合您的情况)

To elaborate on on some of the methods you can use on the request object, check out this page. (for example, .done or .always may suit your circumstances)