
2023-09-11 01:20:45 作者:亲、给莪个耍流氓的机会吧

有没有办法让载入中...从图形CFDIV刷新的时候出现?我想$加载图形然后加载新的HTML的对$ pvent闪烁。

Is there a way to keep the "Loading..." graphic from appearing when cfdiv refreshes? I'd like to prevent the flicker of loading the graphic then loading the new html.



By adding these lines at the bottom of the header, it overwrites the "Loading..." html and seems to prevent the flickering effect in both IE and FireFox:

 <script language="JavaScript"> 


While this seems to do the trick, it would be nice if there was an officially supported way to customize the loading animation on a per page or per control basis. Hopefully they add support for that in ColdFusion9.