
2023-09-10 19:20:42 作者:啃着面包去追梦


I have a Telerik MVC Grid using ajax to get data and I want to control when it will be loaded.


Here is the code in my view:

          .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding.Ajax().Select("SelectUserActionLogging", "Report", new { userTeamId = Model.UserTeamId, startDate = Model.StartDate, endDate = Model.EndDate }).OperationMode(GridOperationMode.Client))
          .Columns(columns =>
                         columns.Bound(x => x.FullName).Hidden();
                         columns.Bound(x => x.ActionName);
                         columns.Bound(x => x.ActionCount);
          .Pageable(page => page.PageSize(20))
          .Groupable(grouping => grouping.Groups(groups => groups.Add(c => c.FullName)).Visible(false))
          .HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "grid-style static-grid-style" })
          .ClientEvents(e => e.OnError("Grid_onServerError").OnDataBinding("Grid_onDataBinding").OnDataBound("Grid_onDataBound"))


By default, this code works correctly. When the page is loaded, the grid send automatically a post request to the server for the specified action and load itself with the returned datas.


What I want is the same grid with the same behavior but without loading data when the page is loaded; I want the grid to be loaded when the user click a button or any other actions.

我发现了一些有趣的职位说明如何手动刷新网格,但没有一个指定$如何为p $ pvent网格的初始绑定。

I found some interesting posts indicating how to manually refresh the grid but no one specified how to prevent the initial bind of the grid.



This little piece works for me. Add a data binding client event (which you already have, apparently):

.ClientEvents(events => events


Then create add this javascript:

<script type="text/javascript">

    var gridsToBind = [];

    function preventAjaxSelectOnPageLoad(e)
        if ($.inArray(, gridsToBind) == -1)

基本上,你创建一个数组来跟踪需要绑定网格。页面加载时,阵列将是空的 - 在这一点上,它取消了数据绑定事件并添加网格阵列。然后在下一次ajaxRequest()被调用,网格存在阵列中,并且可以正常地结合

Basically, you create an array to keep track of the grids that need to bind. When the page loads, the array will be empty - at that point, it cancels the data binding event and adds the grid to the array. Then the next time ajaxRequest() is called, the grid exists in the array and can be bound normally.