
2023-09-10 18:34:08 作者:人不风流枉少年

我用2.10的HtmlUnit点击其触发的JavaScript重定向到另一个网址的链接。 JavaScript使用window.location的重定向。其结果是不一样的,如果我直接与URL打开页。重定向页面结果看起来好像页面仍在加载,但事实并非如此。

I'm using HtmlUnit 2.10 to click a link which triggers a JavaScript that redirects to another URL. JavaScript uses window.location to redirect. The result is not the same as if I open the page directly with the URL. The redirection page result looks as if the page is still loading, although it's not.


When looking at the requests sent it looks as if HtmlUnit requests the page and even send the ajax-requests FROM the page I'm trying to get redirected to, but does not show it. I've tried IO-writing "page.asXml()" into a .html file to get a preview of the page, and it contains almost nothing, as if it's still loading the new content. But, I've also tried waiting for up to 100 seconds for the page to load with

synchronized (page) {
   page.wait(int x);


and it does not make any difference to the result.


I cannot give a reproducable script for this error since the page is run locally only at the moment.


Any thoughts as to what can be wrong?



请确保您已设置Web客户端有它的 redirectEnabled 字段设置为真正的。要做到这一点,只需添加这行执行的请求之前...

Make sure you have set the WebClient to have it's redirectEnabled field set to true. To do this, simply add this line before you execute the request...



This will ensure redirects are followed by the HtmlUnit client.
