
2023-09-10 18:25:15 作者:哭到世界都心碎


I have a form with a text area input. I'm using JQuery to submit the form via an AJAX request in order to update a database. My problem is that I'm having difficulty retrieving the data from the text area input. If the input has an id of "txtBody" I have tried:

var body = $("#txtBody").val(); // This adds 'undefined' to the database  
var body = $("#txtBody").text(); // This adds nothing to the database  
var body = $("#txtBody").html(); // This adds 'NULL' to the database


I can't think of how else to access the data. Any ideas?



You say adds to the database. Have you debugged the actual code to make sure you're not just sending the data with one variable name and trying to add it with another? Because if you have a field like this:

<input type='text' id='txtBody' value='test'>


Or like this:

<textarea id='txtBody'>test</textarea>

$('#txtBody)VAL(); 的将会的返回值测试。有没有如果或但是这件事。

Doing $('#txtBody').val(); will return the value "test". There's no ifs or buts about it.


Maybe you should post some more of your code so we can spot what is wrong, as I am guessing that's not the actual problem you are having.