
2023-09-10 18:22:41 作者:演不出热情


I have 2 tables, Provinces and Districts. I would like to populate a select field with options as District names based on which Province is chosen in another select. The Districts table has a ProvinceID field to reference which Province it belongs to. I know this is doable, I just can't figure it out. I also want to create and update the new Districts select without refreshing the page.


UPDATE: I'm writing it in PHP and MySQL, using jQuery as sparingly as possible.


其实,我想通了这一点,在我自己的使用jQuery和岗位。在主选择,我添加的onchange =getDistricts(),并用这个该功能:

I actually figured this out on my own using jQuery and post. On the primary select, I added onchange="getDistricts()" and used this for that function:

function getDistricts()
    var province_id = $("#provinces").val();
        "mode" : "get_districts",
        "pid" : province_id
    }, "text");


And then in handler.php, I have a case that catches the mode, and runs the following code:

<query on districts table>
while($row = $sql->fetchrow($result);
    $id = $row['id'];
    $name = $row['name'];
    $html .= "<option value='$id' id='$id'>$name</option>";
echo $html;


I'm not a fan of this solution, and would really like something better, but it does what I need it to do for the moment. I hope this can help someone else out.