
2023-09-10 17:48:57 作者:人不猥琐往少年


我一直在寻找答案,但大部分的答案指出,使用的link_to blabla_path 远程:真正的,但我不想通过控制器来处理它,而不是仅仅的意见,一边。


<%=如果button.click?渲染形式%GT; < - (这显然是行不通的,但这样的事情)


顺便说一句,我用Rails 4.0.1




 <%@ posts.each办|文章| %>

   &其中;%= post.title%GT;

   &其中;%= post.content%GT;





link to myasus官方下载 link to myasus appv2. 安卓版 极光下载站

I was wondering if it's possible to render partial onclick without link_to ?

I have been searching for answers but most of the answers state that using link_to and blabla_path with remote: true but I don't want to handle it through controller, instead just the views side.

Something like

<%= if button.click? render "form" %> <--(this obviously won't work but something like this)


By the way, I am using Rails 4.0.1



I have tried it dynamically, using ajax and jquery, it's works but it's weird. Please see below my code, I've placed the link inside a loop but when the "New Comment" is clicked, it appear on the first post, when I clicked the "New Comment" on the second/third/fourth all of the partials got render on the first post. What is going on? When I click "New Comment" on the second post, it should appear on the second post instead of the first one.

<% @posts.each do |post| %>

   <%= post.title %>

   <%= post.content %>

   <%= link_to 'New Comment', new_comment_path, id: 'new_comment', remote: true %>

<% end %>


If you really want to fetch the view dynamically on clicking a link or button you have to go through by controller. AS Per MVC rule. But in your case you can try something like on loading the page render the partial and make it hidden. and on clicking a button or link just remove its hidden property through jQuery or javascript.