
2023-09-10 17:26:52 作者:思念成河


I have added an HTML Editor Extender to the page I'm working on and now ANYTIME I cause a post back on the page I get the following Javascript error:


JavaScript runtime error: Invalid argument.


And nothing happens after that. This works fine in IE10 or below and all other browsers that I'm aware of, however it does not work in IE11 which I need it to work in. Does anyone know of any fixes for this issue?


它看起来就像是一个已知的问题与AjaxToolKit。 试试head标签下面插入这样的:

It looks like it's a known issue with the AjaxToolKit. Try inserting this below the head tag:

< META HTTP-当量=X-UA-Compatible的内容=IE = 10,镀铬= 1/>