
2023-09-10 17:23:49 作者:和我谈恋爱叭


I read somewhere about how you can create a website that loads each section of a page with AJAX while still providing SEO. It had something to do with the use of !# in a url. Similar to what twitter does. I can't seem to find anything about it anywhere. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?



#! is called a "hashbang" and they are the root of all that is evil in web development.

基本上,弱的Web开发人员决定使用 #anchor 名称为缺憾黑客获得网络2.0的东西来工作,他们的页面,然后抱怨谷歌自己的网页排名受到影响。谷歌通过使hashbang作了变通,以他们的杂牌组装电脑。

Basically, weak web developers decided to use #anchor names as a kludgy hack to get "web 2.0" things to work on their page, then complained to google that their page rank suffered. Google made a work around to their kludge by enabling the hashbang.


Weak web developers took this work around as gospel. Don't use it. It is a crutch.


Web development that depends on hashbangs is web-development done wrong.


This article is far more well worded than I could ever be, and deals with the Gawker media fiasco from their migration to a (failed) hashbang centric website. It tells you WHAT is happening and why it's bad.
