
2023-09-10 17:21:34 作者:百分之百甜


I have a simple function to pull in an array of templates:

function getTemplates(names, done, templates, index) {
    if (!index) index = 0;
    if (!templates) templates = {};
    if (index === names.length) return done(templates);
        url: '/templates/' + names[index] + '.min.html',
        success: function (data, status, xhr) {
            templates[names[index++]] = data;
                return getTemplates(names, done, templates, index);


It seems logical to me to just go from one to the next until they are all retrieved, then callback to the calling function. But I'm curious if doing so has any bad side effects. I haven't seen any so far, but I don't want to go to production with this without first getting some insight on any potential problems.

更新: 随着谷歌和BenjaminGruenbaum的帮助下,我已经设计了一个解决方案:

UPDATE: With the help of Google and BenjaminGruenbaum I've devised a solution:

function getTemplatesAsync(names, done) {
    var calls = [];
    var templates = {};
    names.forEach(function (name, index) {
                url: '/templates/' + names[index] + '.min.html',
                success: function (data, status, xhr) {
                    templates[names[index++]] = data;
    $.when.apply($, calls).done(function () {
        // using "templates" here feels fragile for some reason.  Am I wrong?
        return done(templates);


I'm using templates here because I need to be able to refer to each template by name, but somehow it feels fragile or unreliable. Does this look like a safe thing to do?



Your updated code is much better than your initial one, but it still has a few issues, the main one being mixing promises and callbacks instead of using language facilities (Return value) and not using mappings.

在返回的回调参数的承诺,而不是 使用 .MAP ,而不是用的forEach推。 使用。然后,而不是一个成功的回调,以避免两个处理同样的事情和潜在不确定的行为(做了第一次的时候执行?是否成功:) returning the promise instead of a callback argument using .map instead of forEach with push. Using .then instead of a success callback for avoiding two handlers for the same thing and potentially unspecified behavior (does the when execute first? Does the success:?)
function getTemplatesAsync(names) {
    return $.when.apply(null,names.map(function (name, index) {
        return $.get('/templates/' + names[index] + '.min.html');
         // map arguments to names
         return Array.prototype.reduce.call(arguments, function(obj,cur,idx){
               obj[names[idx]] = cur;
               return obj;


     // access templates here