自动填充使用jQuery和功率选择框; AJAX在asp.net MVC功率、AJAX、jQuery、MVC

2023-09-10 17:03:25 作者:坟前蹦迪


1-problem: I need to enable users to select one or more things from a large amount of information that is grouped into a hierarchical structure for selection, data entry, were data could have a depth of 4, 5 parent categories.

2,功能I'm寻找: 类似eBay的显示选择项目的类别时,级联列表。当显示的页面,你只能得到第一个列表框中。在第一选择一个后,显示在第二。该过程继续进行,直到所选择的类别不具有子类

2-functionality I´m looking for: Similar to eBay shows cascading lists when selecting an item’s category. When the page is displayed, you only get the first list box. After selecting one in the first, the second is displayed. The process continues until the selected category does not have sub-categories.



3,实际的表和查询: 表:

3-actual table and query: table:

- 诠释编号


- 诠释的ParentId

-int ParentId


public IList<CategoryTable> listcategories(int parentId)

            var query = from c in categorytable
                        where c.ParentId == parentId
                        select c;

                var result= query.ToList();
                return result;

4 - 我不知道如何下手,任何指引,活生生的例子的jsfiddle,演示或教程将大大AP preciated。 brgds

4-I dont know how to start, any guideline, live example jsfiddle, demo or tutorial would be greatly appreciated. brgds


UPDATE: I believe that this functionality is not very developed in webtutorials and questions. consequently I started a bounty for a great answer. I will asign the bounty for a live example of the functionality previous commented. thanks!



I'm using knockout and Webapi to power cascading dropdowns in an app I'm developing at the moment.

查看 我有一个基本的下拉列表如下图所示。

View I've got a basic dropdown list like below.

<select data-bind="options: CurrentList, 
                   optionsText: 'name',                                                        
                   value: CurrentListSelectedItem,
                   optionsCaption: 'Please Select...'"></select>


self.CurrentList = ko.observableArray(CurrentListData);
self.CurrentListSelectedItem = ko.observable();
self.CurrentListSelectedItem.subscribe(function () {
    //ajaxcall to populate list 2


Server side I've got a simple rest service that take an Id of a point in the tree and returns all its children, this way you can just chain as many of these dropdowns together as you wish (as long as your hierarchy has the levels to match.

请参阅工作示例的拨弄着嘲笑的数据 http://jsfiddle.net/tgriley1/vEBGS/

See fiddle of working example with mocked data http://jsfiddle.net/tgriley1/vEBGS/
